Chapter 21- Paintballing

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It was 2PM on Thursday and I had finished all my classes for the day, so had the guys and girls of the squad so we decided to do something spontaneous which was paint balling.

I pulled on my protective gear excited for the game to begin. I had never been paint balling before but I was a gamer girl and was addicted to all the typical fighting games like call of duty, grand theft auto and well let's not forget my latest obsession with fortnite.

"You guys ready?" The instructor of the game asked his eyes moving studying each and everyone one of us in the room.

"I was born ready", Jacob confidently says as he holds his paintball gun eagerly.

"Yeah you say that until I shoot you and you go crying back to your mum", Chase taunts and they begin play fighting which just makes me shake my head but grin.

"I better not break a nail", Jessica whines before she turns to look at Jay with puppy dog eyes. Jay laughs before leaning in to give her a kiss on the lips.

"Don't worry babe. I've got you", he gives her a wink and she cracks a smile before turning around to look at us all.

"Don't underestimate me A holes. It's on", she confidently says before turning back around to kiss Jay again who stands there looking proudly at his girlfriend.


The shade. Stop Winter.

"I can't wait to get you back for that seat prank you did to me", Mateo points his finger at Chase. "I've got my eyes on you Richards", he continues to say which makes Chase chuckle.

"It's on Ramirez", I raised an eyebrow, why was everyone starting to call each-other by their surnames.

Carter sniggers as he watches the boys argue. He quietly holds his paint ball gun and looks at each and every one of us. I knew Carter was competitive and could see his game face on so I let him be.

Coco and Vanessa were busy whispering away but they both look at me and give me a wink before slapping their hands together in a high five.

"So in this game its your own choice on whether to team up with someone or not. Just remember it may be an advantage at the beginning but if the two that have grouped up are the remaining people in the game you'll have to play against each other. The one who shoots the other first wins. If you're all ready get inside and find the best positions to attack people in. Good luck", the instructor finally walks out the room.

I turned to look at Tyler who was quiet and he catches me looking at him and smirks.

"Are you ready to get your butt kicked Monroe", he grins at me and I smirk back, "Don't underestimate me Wyatt".

He throws his head back chuckling before walking towards me and leaning in closely, "I would never underestimate you", he then moves away and enters the game.

I can't help but smile at what he just said but I pull my gun closer towards me.

"Let the games begin", I happily raise my gun in the air before stepping outside into the forest where we'd play as do the rest of the group.

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