Chapter 15- Rain Drops

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Water droplets begin to hit the car windows as he drove me in silence. The skies were now covered with a blanket of grey and the sound of the rain gets louder as it begins to pour even more. I lean against the windows watching as the rain drops raced down and although it sounded silly, it was soothing to hear and watch.

Tyler finally parks the car and I eye the foreign area curiously. There wasn't anything much to see just a green field in front of us and the rain that drummed at the car.

"Where are we?"

"Honestly, I was just driving and stopped in some random place. I've never been here", he turns his whole body facing me.

"Okay.. Why are we here?" I look at him trying to catch any hint of what he was thinking but he sighs leaning back towards his chair in a deep thought.

"Why do you hate me so much?" The question surprises me and I look at him intently trying to figure out how to even reply.

"I never said I hated you", my tone is soft as I look him in the eyes. He shakes his head and laughs bitterly.

"Well you sure as hell act like you do".

Again, I'm taken aback unable to form words. I don't know what to say to him, I didn't know how I felt about him. All I knew is that he confused the hell out of me.

We sit in complete silence and i turn to look at the rain droplets, it was beginning to fall in more crazy chaotic drops. I suddenly had the urge to step outside the car and into the rain so I did just that. I open the door and get outside of the car standing in the middle of the pouring rain.

I close my eyes and smile as the rain drenched my clothes like it was cleansing me of all my problems and sorrows. I comb my hand through my wet hair laughing, my body began to feel numb and I shivered in the cold.

I open my eyes to see Tyler gazing at me curiously, a smile lingers on his face and he to opens the door and steps outside.

"You're going to catch a cold", he walks up to me then looks up towards the sky and closes his eyes like he did before. His posture became more relaxed and his smile showed off his dimples which were adorable as ever.

"Tyler I don't hate you and even though I said those bitchy things to you I never meant any of it. I was just pissed off so I'm sorry. Honestly, I'm tired of arguing with you over stupid things it's just your presence manages to piss me the fuck off", I laugh and he opens his eyes. The rain begins to settle and behind the dark clouds the sun begins to reappear, it reflects of his brown orbs which look lighter and I now notice he has golden flecks in his pupils complimenting his eyes even more.

"Well that was a nice apology except the last bit", he cracks a smile shaking his head.

"I'm sorry I flipped out on you at the party but honestly Trevor deserved it", he frowns as he looks at me shivering before he takes my hand and pulls me back into the car.

He then gets in and grabs his jumper covering my numb body with it so i thank him.

"Don't blame me if you get a cold", he chuckles leaning in very closely I could feel the heat from his body as he moves his hand which brushes past my cheek and slowly tucks a strand of my wet brunette hair gently behind my ear.

Tyler had that type of face that stopped anyone in their tracks. It was this sudden pause we all had where we took in and admired the Greek god before us which was then accompanied with a deep blush when we realise we've been staring at him for way to long. He smiled with his eyes which had the thickest black lashes that I literally envied. Even in this dull winter weather he had a tanned sun kissed face and it was annoying how devishly handsome he always was and he knew that very well.

He still was so close his gaze studying me and I avert my attention to the heaters in the car and he lean back towards his seat.

I clear my throat turning to look at him again, "How about we start over as friends?" I flash him a smile which he mirrors.

"That would be nice. But I can't believe Miss goody to shoes actually skipped school", he teases and I roll my eyes the tension between us seems to be lifted and I can relax now.

"— Yes. Take into account that your presence manages to piss me the hell off to the point I actually would ditch school to avoid you", I poke his chest smirking.

"OUCH MONROE", he clutches his chest dramatically rubbing it as though I actually injured him which was not true in the slightest seeming as he had such a muscular and toned chest.

"—I thought you said you didn't hate me", he doesn't seem offended instead he laughs.

"I guess it's a love hate kind of relationship".

"Are you confessing you love me", he teases.

My face turns a bright red and I open my mouth to deny all allegations.

"ACHOO", I sneeze. Then I sneeze again. Then again. Then.. "Achoo", I loudly sneeze, again.

"This is what happens when you decide to stand outside in the pouring rain with your school uniform on which may I remind you is a short skirt and blouse", he shakes his head and passes me the box of tissue as I continuously begin to sneeze.

"Take me home Wyatt", I moan as I massage my temple where a headache had begun to appear.

He chuckles before starting the car and pressing the gas whilst I snuggled up to his hoodie feeling very sleepy so I close my eyes and a few minutes later I black out.

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