I shake it off and start to walk back into the house, though I still ponder on it as it bothers me.

Ever since I had dropped off Finn I feel a little absent and I'm not myself.

"Hey, Bill who were you talking to?" Ford asks, Stan kinda sits in the background, looking at me.

"Can you guys stop spying on me and Dipper? It's starting to get awkward." I cringe, shaking my head once again and start climbing up the stairs.

I flop down on my own bed, grumbling incoherently.

I turn around onto my side, looking over at Pine Trees bed, it's messy from when we woke up this morning, having Pine Tree be an early bird and waking up at nine to take showers all the time.

When we go to bed he tends to move around a lot unless I hold him, when I do he seems to relax, even if he's awake.

For me, on the other hand, it's quite hard for me to sleep so I always get fascinated by him, the way his breaths come out evenly, the way his chest rises and falls slowly, sometimes his nose will twitch, or maybe he'll give a whine when I get up, it's always when I leave he whines and wakes up to pout about how I woke him up.

He calms and relaxes me, even just thinking about him makes me feel better.

But not now, not today.

Today is different because he's pushing me away, and I'm trying very hard to help him.

But he won't let me, honestly I think he's scared.

"But what is he scared of?" I ask myself, still staring at his unmade bed.

I just give a sigh and turn towards the wall, getting exhausted from today's small events.

After sometime I give up and decided to try to force myself to sleep.

But plan A seems to fail and I end up getting up going to take a shower.

I wasn't too fond of showers, but it helps me think in private.

After grabbing a pair of sweat pants and a white hoodie I walk into the bathroom.

The towels are in the cabinet so I go over and take a fresh towel out and place it down onto the counter.

I strip and jump in the shower, the water is more on the cold side because that's just the way I am.

A sigh escapes me and plan B is working out just fine.

My head leans against the tile walls and I feel my hair getting more wet as the seconds go by.

God, showering so weird.

Why do humans do it?

I shake my head and just start to lather shampoo in my hair.

Oddly, Dipper didn't have any of the shampoo I seemed to like when I was first settling in.

So I got my own with the help of magic.

I had Axe while Pine Tree had things that smelt of fruit or maybe on some days he smelt of spruce, ironic am I right?

Having been done shampooing my hair I rinsed it out, beginning to wash my body immediately afterwards.

Even though the shower was quite peaceful I got out and dried myself up, then threw on my clothes.

Usually I would always wear my day clothes until bedtime came along.

But I had no intentions of going anywhere else today.

I broke my phone so Dipper could just walk back himself.

At this thought I kind of let out a small chuckle, imagining Dipper grumbling to himself as he walked back through the trails.

The kid was very jealous of that Finn guy.

That's when I seemed to remember it.

That vision!

"And to stay away from Bill! He's mine so hands off." My breath caught in my throat and I couldn't seem to move any more.

Dipper said that to the ginger?

He's actually really jealous!

Only seconds passed by until I let out a gave out a hysterical laugh.

The laugh went on and on.

Until finally I realized what the kid might do if ever left along with Finn again.

"Eesh..." I whispered, scratching my head.

"What am I going to do?" I asked to no one in particular.

"I have no clue." I answered, dropping my arm back down to my side.

Instead of really dwelling on it like a normal human being would I just went over to watch Netflix out of boredom.

Love Me, Hurt Me (BillDip)Where stories live. Discover now