Scare Pt.2

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"Here sweetheart, let's get you back to bed," I said, helping Y/N stand up and slowly walk into our bedroom. She groaned again as I sat her gently on the bed. 

"Want to try another soda cracker or drink some water?" I asked. She rubbed her eyes tiredly and nodded slightly. I knelt in front of her on the bed and handed her a cracker, praying that her stomach would settle soon. 

The past few days, she has felt very nauseous and gotten worst overnight; worst than the morning sickness at the start of her pregnancy. 

"It's going to be ok sweetheart," I whispered, watching her eat slowly. I gently pushed her hair out of her face, frowning when I felt her warm forehead. 

"Water?" I asked, once she had finished. 

"Slow sips," I encouraged, bringing the glass to her mouth. I hated seeing her like this and knowing I couldn't do anything about it; made my heart ache. She signed as the cold water went down her burning throat. 

"Feel any better?" I asked putting the glass on the bedside table. Suddenly she leaned forward and without warning she threw up the little food all over me. "I'm s-sorry H-Hobi," she sobbed. I picked up the towel and gently wiped her mouth. 

"Oh jagi, no no, it's alright," I whispered, "I've got you."

She shook her head, "I can't do this anymore. I don't feel good and nothings working," she sobbed again, my eyes filling with eyes at her pain. 

"What about Bo-A? What if something is wrong with her?" she cried, making me go pale. 

"Hey, don't panic beautiful, get some rest first," I said, laying her down. I quickly took my dirty top off and laid beside her. She closed her eyes and snuggled into my chest. I gently rubbed her rounded stomach as she fell asleep. I couldn't help tears that filled my eyes. 

There had to be something that would help her; being this sick can't be good for either her or the baby. I quietly picked up my phone and texted Da Won asking if she knew anything that could help Y/N. Within minutes, she replied, 'Try tea, or water with lemon. Try to keep her hydrated.' 

I looked at Y/N; she was sleeping for the first time in hours, she was beginning to get color back in her cheeks. I kissed her forehead; hoping that when she woke in a few hours, she would feel better. I don't know what else to do.

 I don't know what else to do

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"Joon," Y/N whispered, "somethings not right." I walked towards her standing in the door way. Her face was pale and eyes dull. 

"Princess? Whats wrong?" I asked grabbing her hand. I frowned when I felt how clammy it was.

"I feel - feel dizzy," she whispered, slight swaying. I quickly grabbed her arms to keep her from falling. 

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