Scare Pt.1

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This chapter is so long that I've had to split it into two parts. This one will be Jin and Yoongi and pt.2 will be Hoseok and Namjoon


You were home by yourself doing your daily chores when suddenly you started getting pains in your stomach. You shrugged them off thinking it was just Haneul moving around. You were in the kitchen washing dishes when the pain suddenly got worse. You gasp, dropping the plate back into the sink, before rubbing your stomach, you grab your phone, and click on Jin's contact ringing him but he doesn't pick up. You groan in pain and frustration, and decide to phone Jungkook instead. Luckily he picked up on the third ring. 

"Noona! How are you?" He asks happily. You went to speak but gasp as the air was knocked from you from pain.

"Y/N Noona? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Jungkook asks quickly worried.

"Jungkook, g-get Jin, he wouldn't pick up h-his phone. T-There's something wrong with Hanuel." You managed to get out groaning in pain.

"Jimin-ssi go get Jin hyung quickly there's something wrong with Y/N Noona and Hanuel! Noona we'll be there soon you just have to stay calm for yours and Hanuel's sake okay?" He says calmly.

(His POV (Wasn't expecting this was you?)

I sat with Yoongi and Namjoon having a conversation when suddenly Jimin barged into the room with panting with a panicked look on his face.

"Jin Hyung, Y/N Noona is on the phone to Jungkook, there's something wrong with her and Hanuel." He says breathlessly. 

I swear my heart stopped for a moment. I felt my mouth go dry and my stomach churned as if I was going to be sick. I stood up suddenly and rushed past Jimin towards the dance studio where I last saw Jungkook. When I entered the first thing I heard was Jungkook on the phone trying to calm Y/N down, yet his face showed concern. 

"Noona, just breathe, Jin Hyung is here now I'm going to pass you to him now we're gonna be there soon." 

Jungkook quickly hands me his phone and I immediately place it against my ear and the I could hear her sobs. "Jagiya, talk to me what's happened? Where are you?" I ask worriedly as we all run outside to the car. 

"I don't know w-what happened, I'm in the kitchen, I can't move, oh gosh Jin it hurts." She whimpers out. 

"I know Jagiya I know, you just got to relax and breathe okay? We're 5 minutes away. I'm gonna stay on the phone to you the whole time okay?" Jin says calmly. 5 minutes later we pulled up at the house, I quickly hung up passing Jungkook his phone and rushing out the car, barging into the house. I rush into the kitchen and see Y/N clutching onto the counter with her hands sobbing. My heart breaks, fear welling up in my stomach. I walk quickly over to her pulling her into my arms resting my hand over her stomach.

"Shh, Jagiya I'm here, everything is going to be fine."

"He can't be coming yet Jin, I still have a month and a half left." Y/N whines cuddling into my chest. 

"I know, lets get you to the hospital okay?" 

When we arrived at the hospital Y/N was immediately rushed into a room and I was forced to wait outside with the rest of the boys. I sat down on a chair finally letting my emotions free. Tears streamed down my face as I held my face in my hands. I felt a hand on my shoulder and then suddenly five more. I look up to see the boys looking down at me with sympathetic looks. Ii gave them a small smile before my name was called.

"Mr Kim Seokjin?" 

I stood up quickly, the boys moving out my way so I could speak to the doctor. "That's me. How are they? What happened? They're both okay right?" I ask immediately.  The doctor chuckled and nodded making me let out a relieved sigh.

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