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You groaned as you felt a ripple of pain wrap itself around your abdomen, causing you to wince. You sat up in bed and rubbed a hand over your swollen belly, sucking your bottom lip between your teeth as you took a deep breath. As soon as the pain stopped you looked at the clock beside the bed, the bright green numbers glaring back at you, telling you it was only four in the morning.

You groaned, leaning over to nudge Jin awake. He grunted, turning on the bedside lamp before looking at you, running his hand through his messy hair.
"What's wrong?" He mumbled, voice thick with tiredness. 

"I just had an contraction."You say whimpering.  

"What?" Jin was suddenly a lot more awake, hurriedly untangling himself from the sheets so he could sit in front of you. "Are you sure?" 

"Pretty sure Jinnie"

"Okay, okay well we need to get to the hospital then, I'll go get the bag."

"Jin, the bags already in the car and it's probably too early to go in yet," Jin visibly relaxed as you spoke to him. 

"Can you help me with a bath? The hot water should help for a little while and once the contractions a little closer we'll go alright?"

"Okay Jagiya," Jin lent forward and kissed you. "I can't believe it's happening. Haneul is on his way."


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The boys final concert for awhile had just started the first time you felt it, the small twinge in your side that had you adjusting how you sat, your hand moving to rub over that spot, convinced it was just a kick from the baby. When it happened again you winced, breathing out sharply as Taehyung's wife looked at you in concern.  

"What's wrong?" She asked, frowning as you stood up.

"Just a little pain," You replied, relaxing once the sensations passed. 

"How long has that been happening? You are only a week out..."

"I'm sure it's nothing," You assured her. "Braxton Hicks or something like that."

She didn't seem convinced but let it go as you sat back down on the couch, continuing on with your earlier conversation. Admittedly you were a little scared that maybe it wasn't braxton hicks or simply your baby kicking but you pushed it to the back of your mind. You'd almost forgotten all about it when it came again, worse than before and followed by a small pop, fluid running down the inside of your legs.

Your eyes widened and you quickly stood up gasping gripping onto the couch arm tightly as the pain spread.

"Oh no, oh god this isn't happening right now."

"Y/n? Sweetie?"  Taehyung's wife asked but then realised what was going on as the fluid on floor and between your legs. You were so glad you wore a dress today. She quickly moved to your side and yelled for Jin's wife to come by your side who was there instantly rubbing your back and letting you hold her hand to squeeze.

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