Finding Out

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Y/B/F/N - Your Best Friends Name

You and Jin had been trying for a baby for about 5 months now and still, you were not pregnant. Both you and Jin were beginning to worry as to why you still weren't pregnant. However recently you had been feeling nauseous and getting tired easily, but you didn't tell Jin because you didn't want to worry him or get his hopes up. 

After you had finished work, you went to the pharmacy to get a few pregnancy tests. You drove home with butterflies in your stomach thinking of the possibility of finally being pregnant with yours and Jin's baby. When you got home, luckily Jin was still at practice, you sprinted up to the bathroom and took all the tests you had bought. 

You sat on the edge of the bathtub, biting your nails nervously as you waited for the timer to beep to check the results. What were only minutes felt like hours, the timer finally beeped? You look over at the tests and a smile breaks out on your face. All positive. You and Jin were finally having a baby.

 You and Jin were finally having a baby

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For the past week, you'd been feeling nauseous, and you had also missed your period. To confirm your suspicions, you went to your doctor's office while Yoongi was doing promo out in central Seoul. 

"Min Y/N," the nurse called your name. You stood up from the chair in the waiting room and followed the nurse into a small room with a medical chair. 

"Doctor Cho will be right with you," the nurse told you. You nodded and thanked her before she exited the room. A few moments later your doctor entered the room. 

"Ah Mrs. Min Y/N, haven't seen you in a while. So you've been having pregnancy symptoms, correct?" You nodded. 

"Well, first I'll have to take a blood test." She drew blood and exited the room. 

A few minutes later she walked into the room, "I have your results, and you were correct, you're pregnant." Finally, you were going to have a baby.  


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For months you and Hobi have been trying to have a child together, yet every time you thought you were pregnant the test would come back negative and the both of you would get upset. Hobi had suggested IVF or adoption but you wanted to keep trying. One day Hoeseok's sister had invited the two of you to lunch at her house with her two-year-old son Se Jun. It always made you happy going over there and being able to watch Hobi play with his nephew. It always reminded you how great of a father he would be someday. When you arrived, Hoseok ran off to play with Se Jun leaving you and Jiwoo alone. 

BTS Pregnancy Series (Hyung Line)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora