"I see you starring at him. Go over and talk to him. We can jam some other time." With that he stood up and left without another word. Marinette sat in shock as she tried to process what just occurred. 'Do I...like him?' She asked herself. She watched the fireplace. She listened as the wood crackled and the flame roared like a lion. All in the while her mind was racing a mile a minute. The next thing she knows is that she's in bed looking up at the ceiling. She listens as the clocks tick and her friends snore. She perked up when she heard the trees outside move with the wind. The clock ticked 60 times.  It's only been a minute. She laid there as it repeated the same pattern 60 more times. It's been an hour. And another and another. Marinette thought about all that has happened in her first day. Her making the quidditch team was the only thing that occupied her mind early that day but now she could barely care about it.

   "Alya. Are you awake?" Marinette asked. She heard the bed next to her creak.

   "Now I am. What are you doing up at this time Mari?" Alya said while sitting up.

   "Do you think I like Adrien? It's just... Luka said that I do and now I can't stop thinking about it." Marinette sighed while sitting up as well.

   "What would you do if he said you like Nino?"

   "I'd probably laugh."

   "And what have you been doing since he said you like Adrien?"

   "Going over every moment I've had with Adrien since we met and obsessing over each."

   "You wouldn't care and get defensive or start questioning if it wasn't true Mari. Also we all see the way you look at him when he talks. It doesn't surprise me."

   "Wow Alya. That's really poetic. Where'd you learn that?"

   "I saw someone do it on my Netflix show. Also Adrien is your type Mari. He's kind, gentle and smart. Also blonde." Marinette laughed at that comment, since most of her crushes were blonde. "Anyway get some sleep. It's your first quidditch practice tomorrow. You'll need it."

"Thanks Alya. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Mari."

• • •

Even with Alya's advice, Marinette couldn't sleep. It may of helped with the Adrien thing but she had other things on her mind. Things she couldn't tell Alya about. She sat in silence in the Great Hall while everyone talked around her. She didn't even notice Alya poking her arm.

   "Mar. I. Nette. Earth to Marinette. She's broken." Alya said in defeat.

   "Adrien too. Pretty sure he didn't even sleep a wink last night." Nino chimed in. Marinette finally perked up along with Adrien.

   "Are you guys talking about us?" Adrien asked while yawning. "I couldn't sleep because I was stressing about quidditch."

   "I know that's not why Marinette couldn't sleep." Alya said raising her eyebrows. Before Marinette could say anything, the owls came flying in with mail. A barn owl swooped by their table and dropped off a letter in front of Adrien.

"You better not open that here bud."
Luka said when Adrien picked it up. Adrien made a confused face. "That's a howler. Basically it's made to scream at you." Adrien looked at the letter in horror. Marinette stood up.

   "I'll be right back. I just remembered I forgot to put Tikki in the owlery. Anyone want to come along." Marinette asked. When everyone continued eating she turned to leave. Marinette was almost to the common room to get Tikki when she heard her name get called from behind her.

   "Hey Marinette! Wait up!" Adrien yelled while running after her.  She stopped and turned around. "I figured the owlery would be a good place to open the howler." He laughed but it seemed forced, she was able to tell.  "I'll wait in the common room while you get your owl." The two of them approached the painting and whispered the password, cheesedoodles, and went inside. Adrien plopped onto the couch while Marinette ran to her room as quickly a witch can. She didn't want to leave Adrien waiting. When she grabbed Tikki the owl smirked at her, if owls could smirk.

   "Don't say it Tikki..." Marinette said glaring at her.

   "Say what? I wouldn't want to keep you from aDrIeN." Tikki laughed. Or hooted. Marinette slammed the cage door grumbling. She walked at a normal pace, not wanting to seem eager, down the stairs. She arrived to see Adrien staring at the howler in his lap, sadly. Marinette frowned at her friend in distress. Marinette was always the kind of person to find the best in all situations, always have a way to make her friends smile again even if it means putting on a brave face herself for the time being. Perhaps that why she was in Gryffindor. She stepped towards him, the creaky floorboards snapping him out of a daze. "Ready to go?" Marinette asked tentatively. Adrien nodded and followed her to the door in silence. Marinette didn't want to pry but the sound of their feet was deafening. She had to make conversation. "Are you excited for our first quidditch practice?"

   "You don't have to do this." Adrien said solemnly. Marinette stopped in her tracks, confused. Did he think that she was only being nice to him because of his family name? Or did he think she only liked him for his looks? Or did he- His voice cut off her thoughts. "Pity me. I think everyone knows that my home life is a pile of shit. But don't give me those eyes! Like I'm a sad puppy left in the box on a rainy day!"

"Adrien calm down. I think you're just getting a little overwhelmed." Marinette said softly. Adrien threw the howler at the door to the owlery. Marinette held back a gasp in surprise.

"Maybe I should of been in Slytherin like my parents. Nobody thinks I could be brave! Not even you! You all just pity the poor boy who lost his mother and the cruel father!" Adrien catches Marinette's gaze. Was it fear in her eyes? Or compassion. Adrien could no longer tell. He was in a rage. All of the anger he's felt since the morning he left for Hogwarts came out in one burst. In front of Marinette.

"Adrien... I don't pity you. No one does. You're mixing up pity with concern. You're right we're all aware of your life for the most part. And that's why we're concerned. Also you are brave. You are brave enough to tell your father the truth about your house. That's tough." Marinette gave him a gentle smile. Adrien's face softened with her kind words. He picked up the letter and lead them into the owlery. "If you want, I can step out to let you have your privacy." Marinette suggested after releasing Tikki.

   "No. I want you to stay. It's nice having a friend by me." Adrien smiled before opening the envelope slowly...

1711 words

A Miraculous Year at Hogwarts (Miraculous Ladybug Harry Potter AU)  •ABANDONED•Where stories live. Discover now