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They ended up at some old-timey diner a few minutes away from the motel. Clay found a spot at the bar, and they sat down, Catrinetta on the seat in the middle of the cushioned bench, Clay to the right of her. Chase excused himself to the bathroom, and told Catrinetta to get him a burger if somebody took their order.

It was silent for a few moments after he left, before Clay turned towards her.


Her name hung in the air for a few seconds. It wasn't a question, he was just stating her name. She looked at him.

"Yes?" She asked, looking at his eyes but quickly focusing on something else next to his head. She couldn't look him directly at him.

"I like that name," he whispered, so quietly she could barely catch what he said.

Catrinetta leaned in closer, now looking at his eyes. They were such a pretty color. Clay leaned in closer too, until they were almost touching noses. Catrinetta opened her mouth to say something, but no sound came out. Clay leaned in further, and gently put his mouth onto hers.

She could taste him, his minty tongue squirming around. He smelled like the leather of the car and a distinct musk. Her eyes instinctively closed, but only for a split second before somebody behind them cleared their throat loudly. Catrinetta's eyes flew open but Clay didn't move, seemingly too lost in the short kiss. She quickly pulled away, blushing deep red as her eyes took in Chase standing right behind them, watching. He stepped forward, and without saying a word Catrinetta moved over so he could sit between them.

Catrinetta looked down at her hands in her lap, face ablaze. She heard Chase and Clay give their orders to the waitress who had miraculously appeared, and quietly mumbled what she wanted.

Their food came within a few minutes. They ate quietly, Catrinetta not looking at anyone. She could feel the tension between Chase and Clay.

She finished her burger and slowly started on her fries. Her face was starting to cool off, and she briefly looked over at Chase. He was staring straight ahead, not looking at his hands, which were busy feeding his mouth. She couldn't see Clay from around Chase, and chose not to make it obvious by trying to look around him.

They finished eating in silence.


Sorry for such a short chapter uwu. More to come! 
Thanks for the support lovelies! 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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