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It was just before lunch that they finally met back at the car.

They'd driven for about an hour until they got into a larger city area, and then Chase had given Clay and Catrinetta each several wads of money in a parking lot.

"Hide them somewhere, other wise it'll look suspicious," he'd told them, and they had, in pockets and Catrinetta in her bra. They had agreed to meet back at the car in an hour and a half, and then gone their separate ways at an outlet mall on the outskirts of the city.

Truth be told, Chase hadn't expected the other two to come back. The girl, maybe, but definitely not the boy. Which is why his eyes widened in shock when he saw the two of them walking side by side as they approached the car. Chase leaned against the trunk, twirling the keys around his forefinger, trying to pretend he wasn't eyeing them carefully, even though he was.

The girl had bags from a shitton of stores. A few, like Victoria's Secret and Forever 21, Chase knew about. The rest looked like boutique stuff. Clay only carried a bag from Vans, plus a jacket that looked like a cow skin that he had somehow acquired.

Chase nodded at them as they approached. Catrinetta smiled softly back. They put their stuff in the back, and Catrinetta sat next to all the bags.

As they drove away from the outlet, Chase watched in the rear view mirror as she slowly took off her top, and then her bra, slinking down so nobody in passing cars would see her topless. Chase bit back a smile as he watched her put on one of her new bras and a graphic tee. He wanted to watch her change her lower half, but a car honked behind him and he quickly looked back to the road.

By the time he looked again in the rear view mirror, she was done changing.

Clay changed in the parking lot of the McDonalds. It was apparent to Chase this kid had no shame, as he took off his shirt and pants in broad daylight. Chase decided to change his clothes in the bathroom, making sure to keep the car keys close to him at all times.

Being the unofficial keeper of the car keys gave Chase a sense of pride and leadership. Without the keys, none of them could go anywhere, and he was the only one who ever had the keys. Neither Catrinetta nor Clay ever asked for them, and Clay never offered.

They ate in silence, each having bought their own meal, although Chase noticed Clay kept stealing fries from Catrinetta, who pretended she didn't notice.

Chase pretended he didn't notice either.

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