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They drove into the night, the girl falling asleep against the window sometime around 1 am. The boy continued to stay up, clearly just as awake as Chase was. Chase found himself paying more attention to the boy behind him through the front mirror than to the road in front of him. The kid was just so interesting...Chase wondered how demented you had to be in order to laugh as you're getting punched in the face.

A second later he remembered doing the exact same thing just a few days ago and decided he wouldn't question the other boy.

Chase never turned off the road, only continued down the slowly winding road. On either side was fields; just miles of farming fields. Several times, Chase found himself almost drifting off, before he'd snap back to attention as the car slowly slid off the road.

Finally the boy behind him tapped on his shoulder and asked if he wanted to pull over. Chase decided it would be wise, seeing as being in a car crash was not his preferred method of dying, and promptly did so. He wondered if he really even needed to pull off the road, nobody seemed to be on it, and it was unlikely anyone would be for the rest of the night, but he figured that would be playing around with fate just a tad too much.

The boy, who finally introduced himself as Clay, took up the whole backseat laying down, so Chase simply laid back in the drivers seat. It wasn't the most comfortable, but he wasn't about to sleep outside with no protection, so he didn't complain.

Within 2 minutes of laying back, both boys joined the girl in dreamland.

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