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They were on the road again.

Clay had no idea where they were, he hadn't traveled much, even inside the city of his hometown. Once, he had wanted to travel the world, wanted to see what treasures it held for him. Now all he wanted to do was die.

He hadn't said anything when he'd woken up, had only sat up, not bothering to belt his seat buckle. The two in the front seat hadn't said anything, but he knew that they knew that he was awake.

Clay's stomach growled. It was loud enough that the two sitting in the front heard it.

The boy turned around slightly and told Clay they'd be eating soon. Clay nodded, and peered out the side window, even though the scenery hadn't changed. Fields upon fields.

But the boy must have known where they were, because soon he turned onto a crossroad, and they were in the parking lot of a gas station in 15 minutes.

The lot was empty, and the store looked deserted as well, which made Clay feel only a bit uneasy. The boy parked the vehicle in the middle of the lot, not bothering to pull up to a pump. He turned sideways to face both Clay and the girl. 

"The store is empty, it's been abandoned for a while. The stuff in there is a bit old, but there's edible snacks and shit. Knock yourselves out. I'm gonna see if there's anything in the back or under the seats. I'm gonna assume we need some money for a proper meal."

The boy spoke with such clarity, like a general speaking to his troops. Clay suddenly imagined that this was not the first time something like this had happened to him. He was suddenly curious to know what they boy had done before.

The girl opened up the side passenger door and stepped out into the sunlight. Her red hair was illuminated by the rays, and it looked as though she might have been on fire. Clay stepped out as well, and followed her into the empty store. The glass door was cracked, and it creaked horribly when the girl touched it. She shrank back at the noise, so Clay reached forward to open it. She went in first, ducking inside.

Clay followed. 

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