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Chase was lost in his own thoughts as they drove towards the edge of the city. The girl beside him was busy scrubbing blood off of her palms, and Chase didn't want to disturb the peaceful silence, for once in his life.

For a split second, his eyes roamed over to appreciate her beauty once more, but movement on the road in front of him caused his eyes to flicker back upwards. With a hiss, Chase slammed on the breaks as the girl suddenly shrieked, noticing what he had not even a second before.

As quickly as the car came to a halt, tires screeching through the silent night, they'd still hit the pedestrian full force, and he was now laying several feet in front them, in the middle of an intersection.

Chase threw open his door, and sprinted out to see the damage on the person, the girl right on his heels. When he saw the boy's head lift from the ground, Chase's heart began to return to normal speed. He hadn't killed him.

In fact, it appeared the boy had sustained no injuries, as he was slowly getting to his feet, watching them approach him. And suddenly Chase was mad. Who the hell was this guy? Why did he just leap out in front of them like that, did he think he was a fucking prince or something, like everybody would just stop their car for him to pass at his leisure?

Chase didn't bother speaking, he just threw the first punch. Ignoring the girl's gasp behind him, he slammed his fist against the other boy's cheek again, and agian, slamming his body back down.

He raised his fist again, but suddenly the other boy's mouth opened up into a bloody smile, eyes open and watching him. A laugh came from his throat, bubbling up, all the way until it came out of his mouth, hoarse and unnatural.

Chase let go of his collar, and the deranged boy stumbled to his feet, staggering away, laughing up at the moon. Chase looked to his right and saw the girl right next to him. She looked back at the staggering figure, then at Chase.

Five minutes later the deranged boy had joined them in the car.

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