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Catrinetta woke with the sun, her eyes stinging as the rays struggled to penetrate the car window. She yawned and stretched slightly, wincing when her back ached. She'd slept in a bad position.

Only then did she remember she was in a car. And then, a second later, she remembered the events of yesterday. Here eyes widened at the memory, the thought of the man's blood seeping across the floor made her feel suddenly sick.

Next to her, Chase lay, snoring softly. Catrinetta turned to look at the boy laying in the backseat, also still asleep. She didn't even know his name.

He was cute though.

How sick was she, she wondered, to have just killed a man, run away from the police with two random men, and only want to think about how cute one of them was. 

Next to her, Chase stirred, and fluttered his eyes. She watched him wake.

Finally, he opened his eyes fully, and noticed her staring. 

"Morning," he said sleepily. He didn't seem to be upset by the fact that he'd just spent the night sleeping in a car, on the side of the road, with two other deranged humans. He had certainly seen the blood on her hands, that's why he'd given her the handkerchief last night. And they bother knew the person in the backseat was definitely not in the right state of mind. And yet, he seemed to think everything was okay. 

Maybe he wasn't all that good either. 

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