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Chase paid for the biggest motel room. The man informed him there was only one bed in it, but Chase was tuning him out as he tried to listen to what Clay and Catrinetta were saying behind him. The man finally handed him the key, and Chase looked down at it. It had the number 14 engraved on it.

Chase turned towards the other two, who were huddled close together and whispering. They both held their shopping bags in their arms as they bent their heads towards each other. Chase felt his heart thud angrily against his rib cage.

"Let's go guys," he said loudly, starling them. Chase turned and walked down the hall, following the signs to room 14.

It was quite spacious for a motel, and Chase was surprised at how clean it was inside. He supposed the outside of the building didn't give the rooms any justice at all. There was a bathroom with a tub standing on claw feet in the middle of the wood flooring inside the bathroom. The main room had a television and a dingy yellow couch, and Chase peered into the other open doorway to find the single bed, just as the man had said.

Chase vaguely recalled the man suggesting this room was for a couple looking for a place to stay for a few days, but his memory of what happened at the front desk was foggy already, clogged up by his hatred of Clay.

The two behind him oohed and ahhed at the space, thanking Chase for finding such a nice place to stay. Chase shrugged it off.

Catrinetta excused herself to the bathroom, so Chase settled himself on the couch, fingering the key. He traced the numbers on it with thumb and forefinger. Clay disappeared into the bedroom, only to come out a moment later. "There's only one bed."

Chase nodded.

"How are we gonna fucking sleep?"

Chase shrugged. He didn't feel like talking to Mr. Steal Yo Girl

"The fuck, man?"

Before Chase could throw a punch at Clay, Catrinetta appeared from the bathroom. "We should go out and do something!" She said, running her fingers through her red hair.

"We-what?" Chase was startled at her sudden change of mood.

"We should go dancing or something guys! C'mon, it'll be really fun and it'll get our minds off things!" Catrinetta looked at him with her big, brown eyes and Chase suddenly couldn't argue with her about it.

"Sure, I guess," he said, looking over at Clay. Clay was frowning slightly, but nodded, then shook his head.

"I don't even fucking know you guys," he said.

"My name is Catrinetta, I'm 19, and I ru-ran a hairdresser shop." Catrinetta said brightly. Chase caught her slip of the tongue, but didn't press it. He saw Clay open his big fat mouth, but then closed it quickly.

"Chase. Twenty. Uhhhh...jobless."

"Clay. Twenty-one. Insurance dude. But I fucking hated it so."

Silence overcame them.

"So shall we go out?" Catrinetta pressed.

"I guess," Clay sighed, so Chase gripped the key with his hand and led them out of the room, back down the hallway, and into the stolen car.

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