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Catrinetta didn't feel hungry, but she supposed that was part of the aftereffects of killing another human. 

The boy was right, the shop looked like it had been abandoned for a while, but there were still packages of snacks on the shelves. She began looking through the chips, while the other boy went behind the counter and examined the cigarettes. She looked over and watched him for a moment. He must have sensed her eyes, because he stopped and looked back at her.

After several long seconds of staring, she finally broke the silence. "What's your name?"

The boy considered her for a moment. "Clay."

"I'm Catrinetta."

He nodded, and went back to the cigs.

She picked up some one-serving-size chip bags, and a plastic container of soda, before realizing she didn't know what the other boy wanted. She went back to the chips and got some bags for him as well. Clay joined her, but chose a bag of Slim Jim's and a water before leading the way out of the dilapidated shop. 

Back outside, the sun shone on Catrinetta's face. She blinked, and stumbled a bit. Clay looked back at her, but kept walking to the car. He opened up a beef bite and swallowed it in one gulp. The other boy was climbing out of the backseat as they approached. Catrinetta offered him a bag of Sun Chips, which he declined. 

"There's nothing in the main car," he announced, to no one in particular. Catrinetta nodded softly. "I can check the trunk, but people don't usually carry important stuff back there if the rest of the car is empty."

She nodded again. Clay was leaning against the car, face turned towards the sun. Catrinetta noticed welts around his neck. They were red and puffy, meaning recently acquired. She wanted to ask him where they were from, but she didn't.

Instead, she sat on the ground by one of the pumps, setting her food down next to her. She opened a bag of Lay's, and watched at the other boy opened the trunk with the keys.

"Holy fucking shit."

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