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Catrinetta picked up her sopping shawl, eyeing the blood dripping off of it with horror. She let it drop back to the ground, and stood up. Grasping the dead customer's right arm, she tried pulling him away from the mess she had made, but he was too heavy, and her shaky legs collapsed beneath her, letting her fall into the bloody mess.

For a long time, Catrinetta sat and watched the man, hoping for some sign of movement, yet there was nothing. She quietly bit back her tears as she scrubbed the blood off her left leg with a new rag from the drawer next to her.

As she ran a hand through her red hair, her eyes unfocused and refocused on the body in front of her. And then it hit her.

She had killed a man.

Never mind that it was an accident, that he had been the one to approach her, that he had hit his head...she was the one who had pushed him back instead of trying to talk him out of it. She was the one at fault.

She was going to be in so much trouble.

It was as though she'd lost her head. Forgetting any rational idea she'd had about hiding the body or disposing of the bloody rags or calling the police, she flung herself out the back door of the shop, stumbling into the dark alley. Without even bothering to properly close the swinging door, she was off, almost running into the night. Turning left and right, she paid no attention to the twists and turns of the roads. All she could think about was the dead body laying back in her shop.

I killed a man. I killed a man. I killed a man.

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