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Chase was delighted when he found the car (he'd been roaming the structure clicking the unlock button on the set of keys, waiting for lights to flash). Although he had no idea about anything about cars, it was silver and looked fancy, so he was pleased.

Sliding into the cool driver's seat was like stepping into a different world. Suddenly, the noise of the cars on the road below faded away. The fresh air surrounded him, and it smelled faintly of roses. The leather of the seat was like new, and as he took in the rest of the car with his eyes, it felt spacious, even though it looked to be a normal car size from the outside.

Sliding the key into the ignition, he felt the motor buzz to life softly. Pulling out of the parking slot, he was amazed at how smooth the tires rotated around. He assumed this was what being on a cloud felt like. 

He drove down main street for a minute, then turned down one of the smaller roads he knew would quickly get him out of the city. He didn't have any particular place he was going to go to; he'd probably drive around for a few days until he ran out of gas, then ditch the vehicle somewhere and find his way back home. That's what had worked last time anyways.

A sudden wave of exhaustion rolled over him. His temple throbbed where he'd been hit a few times that morning. His eyes closed a fraction of an inch.

And then suddenly he was wide awake, slamming on the breaks, jerking the steering wheel aside, thankful that there were no cars behind him. A girl had just run out from the side of a building, straight into the street, without bothering to look before crossing.

Someone's mom didn't teach them proper pedestrian etiquette, Chase mumbled, before remembering he was basically on the run from the police. Oh well.

The girl had stopped right in front of the car, looking horribly shaken. No doubt she was wondering how she hadn't gotten run over. Chase looked at her warily. She had messy red hair, wide brown eyes, and was wearing a nice pair of booty shorts. Chase was busy thinking about what grade he'd give her ass when she came around to the passenger side window. He absentmindedly rolled it down for her.

"I-I'm so sorry, I just, I wasn't looking, please don't press charges, please-" her big brown eyes were about to overflow with tears, and suddenly Chase forgot about her ass.

"Oh of course not!" He replied, wondering if he should plaster on a fake smile or continue to just watch her. He decided to do both, which he immediately regretted, as she suddenly looked at him with mild horror.

"I really am sorry sir-"

"Oh what, NO! I was half-paying attention anyways." Chase sighed. "You wouldn't um, be in any rush to go anywhere would you?"

The girl considered him. "No."

"Well would you like to join me? I don't have a destination either, and I'm a bit lonely." His mind had definitely traveled back down to her ass.

"I-I...I guess?" She posed it more as a question. "What's your name? Do you work for the police or anything?"

Chase snorted. "As if. More like i'm on the run from them." The girl immediately looked so much more relaxed. 

"You are?" Her hand traveled to brush some hair behind her ear. "Then I shall join you." She clambered into the grey seat besides him, Chase trying very hard to keep his eyes above her neck. They had been traveling in silence for approximately 6 and a half minutes when Chase noticed the blood on her hands.

Without a word, he handed her a handkerchief from his side door pocket.  

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