Chapter 24

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Lisa's POV:

He kissed me.

He kissed me.


I panicked like that for a few seconds before finally relaxing, with my heart still hammering in my chest.

I wrapped my arms around Jamie's neck, savouring the moment. Neither of us needed to confess our undying love for each other and yet it didn't make the kiss any less special.

When we finally back away for air, I finally realized the situation we were in; me and Jamie was making out in the Ocianian lake with a dragon literally a few feet away!

I chuckled quietly, causing Jamie to snap out of his dazed trance looking at me curiously.

"We just made out in front of a dragon," I mumbled before bursting out laughing once more at how ridiculous the sentence sounded.

Jamie rolled his eyes before looking towards the brilliant blue dragon with a slightly smug look on his face.

"I bet you the last chocolate bar that I'll be able to tame that dragon in the next minute," Jamie then stated before swimming out into the lake.

I rolled my eyes and, don't you dare tell Jamie about it, secretly knew that Jamie would win his own bet _ I mean, he's what you'd call a star student. (Besides Lizzie who was a literal genius).

I counted down the seconds in my head staring at Jamie as he did this weird bleeping dance, almost bursting out laughing when he did a weird pirouette.

Finally, he extended his hand out to the dragon, allowing it to sniff his hand, before both Jamie and the dragon's eyes glowed.

Bleeping hell, it looked epic!

Finally, the dragon lowered its neck, allowing Jamie to climb on it. 56 seconds _ not too shabby.

Suddenly, the dragon started swimming towards me, way faster than I expected it to.

"BLEEPING HEEEEEEL!" I screamed as the dragon essentially cannoned right into me.

Somehow, I ended up on the dragons back, causing me to hold my breath and grip onto Jamie.

Within seconds of swimming, my chest already started to hurt and I didn't know how long I could last.

Goodbye, cruel world! Man, that's a horrible way to go. I could just picture on my grave "water killed her".

So much for being the most powerful being in Celestiam huh?

Finally, after that long, agonising period of time, we finally reached the surface, causing me to gasp in relief before realising how far away we were from the ground.

"Bleep. Bleep. Bleep, bleep, bleep... BLEEEEEEEEEEP!" I screamed repeatedly, causing Jamie to burst out laughing.

Oh just you wait, bleeper, until this dragon lands and I'll- oh wait, we've landed.

I practically slid off the dragon before laying on the ground, limbs stretched out, sighing in relief.

"OH THE GROUND! THE SWEET BEAUTIFUL GROUND!" I yelled dramatically, causing Jamie to hop down the dragon and help me up.

"Stop being a baby _ it wasn't that bad," Jamie laughed, causing me to glare at him menacingly.

"Bleeper!" I spat, pouting with my arms folded.

Jamie rolled his eyes, smirking at me playfully before asking Ash to get him the first aid kit.

Jamie then started treating the huge wound on his shoulder, with the help of the others of course.

"How the hell did that happen?" Sophie asked, looking at Jamie's wound questioningly.

"Acuti," Jamie mumbled, before flopping onto the ground tiredly, sighing in exhaustion.

"What?" Grayson asked looked at us in confusion.

"Eels with porcupine spikes and shark teeth," I explained in the simplest way possible before sitting down by Jamie, making Emma sit on my lap.

"So, what are we gonna do when we head into Tempus?" Sophie asked, giving me some soup in a flask.

I took a sip from the lid before sighing in relief _ there was nothing better than having some delicious soup after having a super intense batter followed by a super romantic moment and then another intense near-death experience right after!

I think the writer's secretly trying to kill me.

Oh wait, the writer can totally see this right now... in that case, I love you oh great mystical writer... please don't kill me!

Anyway, enough of the fourth wall breaks, back to the actual story.

I played with Emma's soft hair, with a blanket (which I was given) wrapped around my shoulders before replying to Sophie's question, "Well, we'll fly our way to the border between Tempus and the dark realm. Then you and Charles will head to this friend before the rest of us would join you."

Sophie nodded before sitting down by me, staring at the lake with a smirk evident on her face before asking, "How was your first ever kiss with your future husband?"

I looked at Sophie in shock, with a light blush staining my cheeks _ how the bleep did she find out?

"Jamie accidentally talked to me telepathically while you two were making out," Sophie replied, smirking once she saw my red cheeks.

"Idiot," I then grumbled to a now blushing Jamie.

"Shut up," Jamie grumbled, covering his pinkish cheeks embarrassedly.

Sophie started laughing loudly, sounding like a mix between one of those evil witches and a psychopath.

Emma suddenly started to cry loudly in fear of Sophie's craziness, hugging me tightly and causing both me and Jamie to glare at Sophie.

"Well... I-I'll leave you three alone now... uh... see ya!" Sophie hurriedly ran off towards Maxine causing Emma to finally stop crying.

I then started bouncing my legs up and down, with my arms still wrapped around Emma, causing the little girl to smile.

Jamie looked at the two of us playfully, with a cheeky glint in his eyes, before tickling Emma sides, emitting the most adorable squeal I've ever heard.

Before I knew it, Jamie started to tickle me too, causing me to start flailing my legs, nearly hitting Jamie.

"Geez, woman!" Jamie yelled after the fifth time I nearly kicked him, "Remind me to never tickle you!"

"I am a very vicious person," I replied cheekily, pulling Emma close to me in a hug once more.

"Sure you are," Jamie said sarcastically, rolling his eyes before sitting down next to me and Emma, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"When we get home," Jamie mumbled into my ear, "I'll make sure to take you somewhere very special."

"If we get home," I replied, sighing worriedly.

"Oh, we will. You're Lisa Stone _ the single most powerful Celestian alive. I know we'll make it out of this alive," Jamie replied, causing me to look at him appreciatively.

I really hoped Jamie was right.

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