Chapter 15

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"Are you trying to suffocate me?" I snapped before wheezing slightly once Jamie tightened his grip on me.

"Are you that bad at horse riding?" Jamie spat back as our horse began running at an unnaturally fast speed.

"It's not my fault you're not letting me concentrate!" I yelled turning around to face Jamie before immediately regretting it.

I almost fell off the horse.

Bleep my life.

I wrapped my arms tightly around the horse with my heart still hammering in my chest. I took slow, deep breaths before finally relaxing.

"I'll sit up front next time," Jamie mumbled as I hummed in agreement, still slightly shaken up.

Jamie moved his arms from around me and carefully placed his hands on mine, gripping the reins tightly.

Finally, the horse slowed down, trotting at a reasonable pace so the others could catch up.

"You're a crazy rider!" Ash yelled once he and Maxine caught up.

"Be grateful you're not sharing a horse with her!" Jamie replied, causing me to gasp dramatically and slap his hand.

"Zip it, you bleeper!" I snapped as Jamie laughed.

Once everyone else finally caught up, we started galloping once more at a slightly faster pace.

"It's about time that we made good progress!" I mumbled. By then, we had finally made our way out of the forest and approached a large town.

"True _ I think for some reason, we're more energetic at night," Jamie replied as I nodded in agreement.

I suddenly heard him cough loudly before yelling, "Watch your hair _ it tastes disgusting! Can't you tie it up?"

"Can't be bothered to!" I yelled back, smirking at his obvious discomfort.

"Dammit, Lisa! Tie it up! Or I'll stuff your mouth with raisins!" Jamie threatened, causing me to gasp dramatically.

You see, I hated raisins. Just the thought of them made me feel sick. I mean, they were way too sweet, unnaturally dry on the outside and just overall horrible.

"You wouldn't dare!" I whispered, horrified that Jamie would even consider putting me through that torture!

"Try me," Jamie whispered into my ear, causing my heart to hammer in my chest _ he was close. So bleeping close.

I unconsciously leant into him, savouring his warmth. Tightening his grip around me, Jamie sucked in a breath.

"You're really warm," I mumbled, snuggling closer into Jamie's chest. I couldn't help but smirk in satisfaction when I heard his heartbeat considerably faster.

"Umm... should we... you know... rest? G-go to a hotel... or something..." Jamie gulped loudly as he felt me nuzzle closer to him.

After threatening me with raisins, I decided to give him a little bit of revenge _ whilst also resting for a bit seen as Jamie was so comfortable!

I mean, who knew you could use abs as a cushion?

I finally fell into a somewhat comfortable position. I snuggled closer to Jamie before closing my eyes, drifting into a very peaceful sleep.

The last this I remembered was feeling Jamie encase me in his body.

(Another fancy time skip cause why not?)

When I woke up, I was still in the arms of Jamie on the horse in the middle of nowhere. (Well... somewhere in Celestiam but you get the point.)

"What happened to heading to that hotel?" I asked Jamie, attempting to stretch but unable to due to Jamie's arms around me.

"We decided to not waste such a good day of progress on sleep," Jamie explained, his grip loosening ever so slightly so I could finally stretch and feel somewhat comfortable.

"What time is it?" I asked curiously, staring at the dark sky _ unfortunately for me, I didn't get to sleep for the whole night.

"How am I supposed to know?" Jamie replied, slightly irritable.

Of course, Jamie was angry once more. I sometimes think that's the only emotion he feels! Then again, Jamie never dealt well with stress _ he'd always lash out on anyone.

Well, when I say anyone, I mean the person closest to him and seem as I hang out with him every day... yeah, I'm used to his grumpiness.

"Sleep," I ordered him, "Cause I really don't wanna deal with your mood swings. Besides, you told me to sleep more and take it easy but how am I supposed to follow your advice if you're not doing so yourself."

I felt Jamie's arms tighten around my waist once more as he leant on my back before mumbling, "Fine. Try not to kill us though."

I smiled softly once I heard Jamie's soft snoring. The poor bleeper must've been so tired for him to fall asleep so quickly!

"You two are adorable!" Sophie cooed, staring at me and Jamie with a huge creepy smile on her face, "Just like your kids will be!"

"Shut the bleep up!" I yelled, my cheeks bright red, causing Jamie to shift a little in his sleep.

I then said in a much quieter voice, "We're not having kids!"

"We'll see about that," Maxine said, catching up to us.

During the ride, Maxine forced Ash to ride with his brother for some "bonding time" and also made Charles ride with Grayson so the two girls could take a break from sharing.

Unfortunately, I still had to share with Jamie.

Once again, bleep my life.

For one moment, I finally started to relax. Without having to worry about my emotions when I'm with Jamie, I can finally concentrate on other things.

When I say that, I just mean concentrate on my surroundings.

For a water kingdom, it sure did have one of the most gorgeous forests that I've ever seen. With unnaturally green trees and brightly coloured plants dotted all over the place, you finally start to remember that you're not on Earth anymore.

You know, you could probably have a whole therapy session just staring at trees for an hour.

If this was how Ocianian forests looked like, then how would Natura's forests be?

"Gorgeous, isn't it?" Sophie mumbled, smiling fondly at the forest around her.

"Yeah. There's no way you can find an area this beautiful. It's... well... it's magic," I replied chuckling quietly.

"Magic huh?" Sophie mumbled thoughtfully.

I won't lie to you, I actually felt a little scared of what Sophie was thinking about.

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