Chapter 18

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Jamie's POV

After Sophie interrupted our supposed "super romantic moment", Lisa excused herself, claiming that she wanted to be with the little girl.

Although I may not make it obvious, I cared for the little girl a whole lot. It's just that we're still young _ to put that amount of pressure on ourselves is crazy!

Unless Lisa would prove to me that she can manage her life with a child. Then I'd give her a chance _ as long as she gives the girl another carer to look after her while we're risking our lives or doing something else crazy.

You see, Lisa's birthday was near so she'd be a legal adult when we return back to Magus Academy, meaning that she'd be able to legally adopt the girl.

Even if she wasn't able to adopt the girl, I would've. The poor thing deserved a home _ I just hope that we'd be able to offer her that without messing up too badly.

I then thought back to Lisa and the moment we shared just a few seconds ago.

Just the thought of what might've happened if Sophie kept quiet caused my heart to race.

"Are you ok?" Ash asked, walking over to me with a huge smirk on his face.

"What?" I snapped when Ash wouldn't stop staring.

"You're blushing," Charles pointed out walking up to the two of us with a small smile on his face, "Also, is your head ok? I mean, that was a pretty rough fall."

His tone was teasing but he gave me a worried expression.

I know I gave Charles a hard time and all but I guess it's kinda my revenge. I mean, Charles practically ruined Sophie and then, from the moment she gets over him, he pops up again and makes Sophie go on a literal rampage!

Anyway, I guess, after a few months of having him around, I kinda warmed up to him _ not that I'd ever tell him that or anything _ but it's true.

I admire his stubbornness. I mean, the way he still stuck to Sophie, even though she was causing him a lot of harm, made me realize just how much Charles cared about Sophie.

Don't tell him I wrote that.

"Hellooo?" Ash waved his hands in front of my face, "Crazy, insane biscuit brand, are you there?"

I blinked repeatedly before glaring at Ash after processing what he just called me, "Crazy, insane biscuit brand?"

Ash shrugged, "It's what Lisa calls you."

I couldn't help but smile softly at the thought of that idiot. She always found some sort of way to insult me using my nickname.

"Oooooh... little Jamie in looooove!" Ash sang, playfully shoving me.

"Soon you'll get married, have ten kids and own two cats," Charles added, smirking once I glared at him.

"You better not even think about having that many kids with my sister!" I then threatened, causing Charles to blush.

"Can you three shut it? I'm trying to sleep!" Jack's muffled voice yelled.

"You shut it! You've been sleeping for the whole morning!" Ash snapped back, starting a fight between the two brothers once more and causing mine and Charles's eyes to roll.

Those two were ridiculously insufferable: they were fighting all the time! They were almost as bad as me and Lisa when we're both in bad moods!

Suddenly, Lisa stormed out of a tent with a furious expression on her face, "If any of you (and I mean any of you) wake the little girl up, I will bleeping murder you with a twig, understand?"

We all nodded fearfully and heard a muffled apology coming from Jack, who still seemed too lazy to get out of the tent.

Geez, Lisa really was one of the most terrifying people in the whole entire world!

I mean, no one can come up with as many threats as she does.

"Good," Lisa smiled in satisfaction before her eyes met mine, I felt a foreign feeling in my stomach as my heart raced once more.

We held each other's gazes for a few seconds before Lisa sheepishly ducked back into the tent.

"You're so whipped," Ash whispered, smirking at my slightly flustered face.

"So are you," I replied, nodding in the direction of where Maxine was, in the corner of the campsite, chatting with Sophie.

"You're not wrong," Ash replied, smiling at Maxine, causing her to look back at him and smile softly, a light blush staining her cheeks.

Me and Lisa better not end up that lovey-dovey.

"A little help here!" Grayson called out, awkwardly waddling towards us with a pile of firewood in his arms.

I chuckled quietly before walking over to Grayson and helping him out a little, even though a tiny part of me still wanted to watch him struggle.

"So, wanna head out and train or do you wanna just rest for a bit?" I asked once me and Grayson settled down by the fire.

"So it's either be brutally insulted for the next ten minutes or relax by the campfire?" Grayson asked as I nodded, "I'd like to go with the insults thing please."

I smirked, before replying with, "You're gonna regret saying that."

I then led Grayson to a clearing close to our camp _ I didn't want the little girl to witness Grayson losing control.

"So, how's your little Jordyn doing?" I asked, smirking once I saw Grayson visibly stiffen.

Jordyn was Grayson's girlfriend and, according to him, was also a demon. They seemed to have their ups and downs but they were certainly closer than me and Lisa were.

Wait, why was I thinking about Lisa again?

Anyways, I then said, "You know, spending so long away from your "love" is never healthy. The next thing you know, she'll run away with another man and leave you all alone."

Grayson growled loudly _ if there was one thing that I knew about guys like Grayson is that they are very possessive and protective of what's theirs.

"Jordyn would never do that," Grayson gritted out.

"How are you sure about that?" I then asked, "Spending so long by herself without you with her will make her weak. Who knows, she might never even speak to you ever again."

I truly did feel bad for Grayson and I never actually enjoyed our training sessions however it was crucial for Grayson to learn how to handle his temper.

"Stop," Grayson uttered, glaring at me venomously.

"You know, without you in the picture, Jordyn might even go back to Miles again," I then sneered.

Grayson started to shake violently at the mention of his rival in this complicated triangle he put himself and Jordyn in.

"He's... he's gonna come out... please stop..." Grayson practically begged, fighting his demon for control.

I simply nodded before walking back to the camp.

Grayson was weak. The single mention of Jordyn would put him on edge. Although he loved her dearly, she'd end up becoming his biggest weakness.

I mean, that's what happened with me and Lisa.

Geez, I really do keep on thinking about Lisa.

"Look, buddy," I said, placing my hand on Grayson's shoulder, "Control your temper. Otherwise, that little demon inside of you will go on a killing rampage."

Grayson sighed, smiling at me sadly, "I know that. It's just... I don't know... it's honestly harder than I ever thought it would be."

"Believe me, I know," I replied before walking over to where Lisa was sitting, which was right by the campfire, staring at the flickering flames in deep thought.

I really hoped Grayson would learn how to control his temper _ if he didn't, goodness knows what he might do next.

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