Chapter 19

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Lisa's POV (again)

After gently stroking the girl's hair, smiling at her innocent face fondly, I settled down by the fire, taking long deep breaths in and out.

I seriously don't know how I became so fond of a stranger so quickly. Maybe it was because it's convenient for my storyline _ yeah, that must be it.

The writer is probably super bored of writing flirt-fights every day so instead turned to adding a girl I can grow an emotional attachment to.

Suddenly, I saw Jamie settle down right next to be, staring at the fire in deep thought.

"What's up?" I asked softly, smiling awkwardly at him. Even since out almost kiss, I couldn't stop thinking about that bleeping Jammie Dodger!

"Grayson has anger issues," Jamie mumbled, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

Grayson seemed to be such a chilled out guy who didn't really lose his temper that often _ not a second version of Jamie!

"Are we talking about the same Grayson?" I asked, playfully.

"I'm not kidding. When it comes to his girl, everything disappears and he just turns into a more ugly, less green, version of the Hulk," Jamie replied, causing me to burst out laughing.

"How do you even know who the Hulk is?" I then asked, realizing that Jamie wasn't a big fan of movies.

"Sophie made me watch the Avengers a million times," Jamie replied drily, causing me to snort loudly.

"And I thought you were a fellow Marvel fan," I mumbled sadly.

Jamie rolled his eyes before staring back at the fire, clearly unsure what to say.

Bleeping hell! We were so awkward!

"Jamie," I began, causing Jamie to look back at me, "If I do end up adopting the girl, will you do me a favour?"

Jamie looked at me for a few seconds before nodding, "As long as you don't ask me to yell I'M A BLEEPING JAMMIE DODGER again."

"Oh no, that's not it but thanks for reminding me about that _ I'll make you do that some other time. Anyway, can you try finding out about who the girl is?" I asked, looking up at him pleadingly.

"I'll try," Jamie replied, "But remember that we don't even know the poor thing's name. I promise I'll try to find out what I can."

I thanked him before staring at the fire. Something about it was enticing: I don't know if it was the flickering of the flames or the bright orangey-red glow it emitted but something about the fire intrigued me _ relaxed me.

"The nearest village," Jamie suddenly exclaimed, snapping his fingers, "That has to be where she's from! We can look for her parents there and beat the hell out of them!"

My heart hammered in my chest excitedly. I couldn't wait to pummel those bleepers!

"Have I ever told you that you're my favourite bleeping Jammie Dodger?" I asked, causing Jamie to snort loudly.

"I'm your only bleeping Jammie Dodger," Jamie replied before heading over to where the others were, telling them his ingenious plan.

I went into the tent the girl was sleeping in and gently woke her up. By the time we'd finish packing up, it would already be day.

"Wake up," I whispered, causing the little girl to gasp loudly and flinch away from me, before relaxing once she recognised who I was.

Tears trickled down her face, causing me to hug her once more. Bleeping hell, I'm gonna kill those bleepers.

"Sweetheart," I whispered quietly, "Can you take us to your house?"

The girl looked up at me in fear as more tears stained her face. Bleep, I did not approach the subject carefully at all!

"Don't worry," I whispered, "We won't let them hurt you. We'll protect you."

The girl looked at me wearily before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the tent.

She led me to the edge of the compound before pointing in a certain direction which her tiny, bandaged arm.

"You heard the girl! I-I mean you saw the girl... uhh... let's just go," Ash mumbled awkwardly before hopping on his and Maxine's horse.

"Idiot," Maxine sighed, shaking her head with a slight smile on her face.

"Do you wanna ride a horse?" Jamie asked the little girl, crouching down to her level.

The girl smiled shyly, hiding behind my legs and nodding.

Jamie smiled before holding his arms out, "Do you want me to help you up?"

The girl looked up at me questioningly, causing me to nod reassuringly _ I just hoped that bleeper wouldn't steal my girl.

She hesitantly walked over to Jamie as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up.

The girl let out the most adorable squeal, causing Jamie to laugh loudly. The girl latched onto Jamie tightly as he carried her over to our horse and plopped her down on top of it.

"Now, make sure you hold onto the horse tightly," Jamie instructed before climbing up on the horse, wrapping his arms around the little girl.

"You coming?" Jamie asked, causing me to shake my head.

"I'll leave you two to bond. Ash, get your butt off that horse and ride with your brother!" I then yelled, causing Ash to sigh and teleport over to Jack's horse.

"Don't talk to me," Ash told Jack coldly, who was seated in front of him, before clinging on to his brother.

I got on behind Maxine before we all set off.

"How's life?" I asked Maxine, remembering the conversation we had a few days back.

"Better," Maxine replied, "I've talked to Ash about it. Surprisingly, it actually kinda helped."

I smiled, relieved that Maxine was feeling alright. Although I didn't even know what she was so upset about, I couldn't help but feel worried about her.

"Would you look at that, the little bleeper's actually doing something right!" I mumbled, causing Maxine to laugh loudly.

"To be honest, I'm surprised the guy didn't buckle yet," Maxine replied as I smiled widely.

"I have literally never seen a couple as cute as you and Ash," I then complimented, causing Maxine to squirm uncomfortably.

"Th-thanks..." she mumbled awkwardly, clearly embarrassed, "You're enjoying this way too much aren't you?"

"Yep!" I chirped, smirking.

Suddenly, we heard a series of loud yells coming from behind us, causing me to roll my eyes _ it was Ash and Jack.

Those two are almost worst than me and Jamie!

"Why does Ash hate Jack so much?" I asked curiously.

"Jack has done some... questionable things in his life... left Ash and his family alone and became what you'd call a bleeper. But worse," Maxine explained, sighing sadly before glancing at Ash and Jack once more.

"There was once a time when those two were actually close. It broke Ash's heart when Jack left," Maxine added, causing me to look at Ash sympathetically.

"Welcome to my target list, Jack," I mumbled as Maxine laughed loudly.

"To be honest, Jack isn't that bad now," Maxine then stated, "Maybe he's finally changing into a better person."

For Ash's sake, I really hoped Maxine was right.

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