Chapter 21

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Turns out, I'm a much better rider when a child is involved.

No joke, I was genuinely the most careful rider in the world _ trotting at a snail's pace and stopping every few seconds to check if I was hurting Emma.

A few seconds later, we approached the border between Ociania and Tempus.

Little did I know that the border between those two kingdoms was a huge ravine with no bridge to be seen! (Ooh that rhymed)

"Umm... Ash and Jack, you guys can teleport us to the other side right?" I asked, causing the two of them to nod.

Ash grabbed onto his and Maxine's horse and Sophie's and Charles's horse too before all of them closed there eyes.

Then, nothing.

Nothing at all. They didn't move, not even an inch, even though Ash was practically sweating buckets.

Jack decided to try teleporting with his own horse, only to have the same thing happen to him.

"What's going on?" I demanded, causing Ash and Jack to shrug, panting loudly.

"I-I don't know. Some... something stopping us... from teleporting..." Ash said in between gasps of breath.

"What, like a shield?" Grayson then asked, causing me to look at the other side of the ravine curiously.

I got off my horse, carrying Emma with me, before handing her back to Jamie. I walked in front of everyone else, close to the edge of the ravine.

I then decided to shoot an orb of light, aiming at the other side of the ravine. It was all going well until it almost reached the other side where it simply bounced off something invisible before flying back towards me.

"BLEEP!" I screamed, before quickly jumping out of the way before my own magic could hurt me.

"Yep," Grayson mumbled under his breath, "Definitely a shield."

"What are we supposed to do now?" Sophie then asked, looking at the shield in awe.

"Well, there's one thing for sure _ we can't use any magic to get through there," Charles pointed out, causing Sophie to mumble something under her breath.

"Give me the map," Jamie suddenly ordered, causing me to quickly grab a map from my backpack.

Jamie gently placed Emma onto the ground, causing her to hug his leg tightly. I almost awed out loud at the adorableness of the situation however remember the task at hand.

I then handed it over to Jamie, causing him to quickly roll the scroll out and stare at the map in deep thought.

"What's your plan?" I asked looking over Jamie's shoulder curiously.

"We're close to one of Ociania's largest lakes. You know what's in it," Janie replied pointing at the large patch of water, seemingly close to the border.

"No, I don't," I replied, "I never pay attention in beast taming _ you should know that by now."

Jamie simply rolled his eyes before replying with, "The Ocianian Dragon, Lisa. The Ocianian Dragon."

"Right. Totally know that from the start _ I was just testing ya!" I then replied, punching Jamie's arm playfully.

To be honest, most of the time, I didn't really focus in any of my lessons and you can't really blame me _ there was a crazy psychopath out there, wanting to take over my world.

"Anyway, if we head over there now, I could probably go down there, tame the dragon and get us outta here," Jamie then explained.

"That sounds good and all but... YOUR GONNA BLEEPING TAME A HUGE DRAGON!" I suddenly yelled.

"I'll be fine _ I'm the dark and gloomy Ocianian prince, I can basically live through everything," Jamie said, trying to reassure me.

Instead, that just made me panic a whole lot more.

"Jamie... look... you can't just make these stupid risky plans-" Jamie simply looked at me in disbelief, causing me to roll my eyes and carry on, "Please don't be me. Don't think that you have to do this because you don't."

"Except, I'm the only one who can do this. I can breathe underwater, Lisa. And Sophie can't come with me because I need someone to talk to in case something bad happens," Jamie then answered, causing me to sigh worriedly.

"You're a bleeper," I muttered bluntly, "Especially when you're right."

Jamie chuckled before heading over to one of the horses and patting the space behind him, "Let's see if we can squeeze you and Emma on this horse too."

I lifted Emma up with me and climbed onto the horse with Emma sitting in front of me.

Somehow, I didn't slide off the saddle, even though I was sitting right on the edge.

"Onwards!" I said dramatically, causing everyone else to turn and look at me weirdly.

"Really?" Jamie asked in disbelief as we trotted forwards.

"What? I always wanted to say that," I replied innocently, causing Jamie to shake his head in disbelief.

"Don't you shake your head at me like that, mister!" I scolded.

"Okay mother," Jamie sneered, "Guess I'll have to listen to you since you're so old!"

Oh no he didn't.

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