Part 12 - First session

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It was then the next day and we had long been awake. Lunch time was fast approaching us and so was my first session of training under the boss himself. I sat in the hall, slowly eating my bread as I thought about how the training session was going to happen.

Oh! And just to say, the mission was successful. Our teams were able to capture and eliminate Samuel Branz. Thankfully no one was injured during this hunt but there is still the risk that our information could have been leaked if he told someone before we caught him. But now he's gone, hopefully so is our information.

Eventually Levi came into the hall to call me for training. I finish up my bread, stuffing it in my mouth as I clumsily scattered off to the hall. I couldn't wait!


"I don't know what you expect but this is not going to be easy." Levi said while walking up and down in a line, trying to intimidate me. Which was working. Tiny sweat drops fell down my temple as the atmosphere changed to one of a serious nature. Levi was not kidding.

"I am training you to become a higher up. You will need to know how to defend yourself and make decisions which will benefit the mafia when it matters most." Levi than began to walk closer to me until our faces were so close I could feel his warm breath in my face.

"I don't want some pussy who can't even take someone shouting at them in the face!" Levi shouted while getting ever so close to my face. Okay now I'm scared. His intimidation was working and I knew I needed to man up. Only thing is whether I can take it or not.

"First is strength training. Drop and give me 20 push ups Jeagar!" Levi demanded. The soon to be torture had only just began. I quickly dropped to the ground, legs together and arms to the sides. Slowly I lowered myself, my concentration never slipping away. Each push up after 10 was worse than the last. Sweat dripping like crazy. Let's just say I don't work out often. I'm new after all. Dissatisfied, Levi scoffed at me while taking a seat right in front of me to watch my every move. "Hurry it Jeagar, onto the next task!"

Once the task is done, I sit up and look him in the face. It was one of immense power and fear. It was like someone had come up behind him a flicked a switch. This was not the same Levi I remember. His stern cold glare sent shivers down my spine as I moved onto the next exercise written down.


After an hour of pure strengthening workouts, Levi finally called this session to an end. Although I was pleased with these sessions taking place, I was concerned about how different Levi was acting. Is this how he usually is as a mafia boss? I thought to myself while drinking my left over water in one swift gulp. Suddenly, I was called over.

"Jeagar." I came scurrying over. Like a dog returning to its owner. Obedient. He looked at me sternly before raising a hand to my shoulder. "Well done today." I smiled cheekily like a little kid who got praised. Happy with the attention I finally got instead of the cold glares. "However, it's not enough. I need you to put in 110% here. This is not a joke."

My mood dropped. I really tried my hardest and yet just like that he made all my effort seem like nothing. Was it all a dream? Did I imagine the kind hearted Levi that smiled at me? My disappointment must have been showing evidently as Levi gave me a question glare, asking what was wrong.

"I don't understand. I did try my hardest. What happened to the Levi who was with me just yesterday? Why are you acting so cold?" A million questions ran through my head but only a few came out. I wiped my head with a towel to remove any sweat, eagerly awaiting an answer. He sighed. With a swift motion his sleek hands combed his silky hair.

"Listen kid. This is serious. I can't be happy-go-lucky with you on this. You need to understand that being boss, means being strict. And that's why I'm like this." I looked down, my back hunched slightly. I couldn't reply. He was right. Grasping at straws I made one more feeble attempt to change his mind on the situation; these were suppose to be somewhat fun.


"That's all Jeagar." And with that he left. Back turned, he wasn't coming back. The protective, caring Levi was suddenly gone. Ripped from me in merely a morning. I don't know what happened, but this is serious now. I am aiming for the top, so I need to act like I belong there.


That doesn't mean I'm giving Levi up.

If I can't have the old Levi, then I'll just have seduce the new one.


Aaaaaand with that, part 12 comes to an end! A long awaited chapter but with all the support I've been getting I've had a lot of motivation!

Thank you all for the now 13k reads! It really means a lot. ☺️

Also just a heads up, this story may take a... darker turn. So be aware of that. 😈

Hope you enjoyed and ill see you in the next chapter!


I call the mafia boss daddy~ Levi x Eren Where stories live. Discover now