Chapter 14

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Harry's point of view:

I watched as Delilah danced along to the music, with her family and friends. I couldn't help but smile because I could see her smile again.

"You love her, mate." Louis came up behind me and patted my back.

I smiled and nodded,"I do."

Louis shot me a smile,"I can see it in your smile. I'm glad everything worked out. She's a beautiful girl, I might have to steal her from you." he said winking.

"Yeah, right." I laughed.

Delilah's eyes caught mine, and her smile slowly turned into a nervous look. But she immediatly focused her attention on her baby cousin that she was dancing with. What's wrong? She looked so happy. Did I do something wrong.

Delilah's point of view:

Harry's eyes met mine and the smile was wiped off my face. We had to talk, there was so much I was unsure of. I just couldn't get over what I was thinking in the hospital. What if we missed our chance?

My Mum has told me that I deserved a fairytale. Maybe I did deserve one, and maybe Harry wasn't the prince. She said that True Love only comes once but some people miss it, and that's why some relationships don't work. Maybe I missed my chance and Harry was the one right there.

My mind was so confused, as well was my heart. I forced a smile on my face and started dancing again. Maybe he was just supposed to be my best friend..

The up beat songs came to an end as a slow song sang through the speakers. A hand tappedo n my shoulder, I turned to see Harry. He smiled at me,"May I have this dance?"

I felt guilt, but I nodded my hand as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck. We rocked back and forth.

The song played,"When the streetlights come on and the fireflies flicker,

I am walking her home making plans.

With her shoes in her hands, I am watching her dance,

As the hem of her dress gently kisses the grass.

It suddenly rains on us,

She is laughing and turns up her hands."

Harry hummed the tune before asking,"What's wrong, love?"

My heart tightened,"Don't worry about it now, we'll talk about this after the party,"

He nodded as pain filled his eyes.

"By the way, thank you for this, it really means a lot."

"It's no problem."

The song sang through my ears as I rested my head on Harry's chest,"Like autumn turns leaves, winter will breathe, cold on our necks, snow in our paths.

Wherever she goes, all that I know about us is that beautiful things never last,

That's why fireflies flash.

When this summertime ends, we will not part as friends,

Things were promised in blood; we have sinned.

Now there's tears in her eyes as she's screaming goodbyes,

I run 'long side the car turning numb to the sound."

Ron Pope sang the rest of the lyrics, I managed to hide back most of my tears, but some managed to slip onto Harry's blazer. The song ended and I just wanted to cry. I was so confused.

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