Chapter 3

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Harry's point of view;

She just kept screaming in my face.I've never seen her so hurt. I loved her, scratch that I love her. Without hesitation I pulled her face closer to mine and kissed her lips. Our lips moved in sync, almost as if they were meant to be put together.The rain was pouring down between us, we were both completely soaked. She didn't pull away like I expected her to, she kissed me back.

I pulled away,"Delilah, I'm in love with you."

She froze, her body grew still as she stood there staring at me,"I-I have to go."

"No," I said grabbing her wrist,"You can't keep running away from your problems." 

I was such a hypocrite, I ran away from my feelings I had for Delilah the day that I went to X Factor. I knew I loved her, but I convinced myself to move on. She said we'd always be friends and I know I couldn't manage to just be friends with her anymore.

"Harry, Why? Why did you leave me?" She said breaking into sobs.

I embraced her into my arms. Her tears were still pouring out. I felt tears stinging in my eyes. 

"Because, because..I love you Delilah. I always have and I always will be. do you remember the day I first told you I was trying out for X-Factor? I remember your exact words De, You said things are never going to change between us. I couldn't bare to be just friends anymore. When you'd call me I'd be up all night just thinking about how much I just wanted to be with you. Talking to you just made it worse, I'm so sorry. Bloody hell, Delilah Marie McIntyre, I am completely hopelessly in love with you. "

Her crystal blue gaze met mine, tears were still fountaining from her eyes. Delilah's blonde hair was soaked, her make up was smeared down her face as she froze. My grip tightened around her waist.

"I-" She started,"I think," she kept stuttering,"I've been in love with you too, Harry"

Her frown slowly shifted into a grin that spread across her face. I couldn't help myself, my hand clasped her face as I leaned in a gave her another kiss. Sparks were sent shooting through my veins. Everytime I held her I got this same feeling.


*Flash back*

"You guys are too cute," My mum said to us.

"Mum stop embarrassing me!" I blushed.

"You know Anne, one day Harry and Delilah are going to grow up and fall in love," Delilah's mum said.

"I think they're going to, You guys are only 6 years old, you're going to think differently in a few years" My mom said smiling.

"No way jose!" I yelled as Delilah laughed.

We both walked away from our mums,"Want to go to the dock?" Delilah asked smiling. I nodded and we both ran to the dock. "HA, I BEAT YOU!" I screamed in her face.

"That's no fair, you always win." She said frowning and tears forming in her eyes.

I hugged her, "I'm sorry De, I promise to let you win next time."

"You really mean it?" she said grinning.

"Of course, now lets sit down."

We sat on the edge of the dock, we were throwing pebbles one by one.


"Yes De?"

"Do you think you're ever going to fall in love?" Delilah asked dangling her feet off of the dock.

"Ew, of course not! Girls have cooties!" I blurted out.

" Our Mommies says that one day you and I are going to get married." She said snickering.

"That's crazy, De-De, we're best friends forever. Pinky promise we'll never fall in-love?"

"I pinky promise," She said wrapping her pinky with mine.

"Good," I started,"But what if somethings crazy happens and one day I love you and you love me?"

"Silly Harry, that'll never happen!" She reassured me.

"You're right, best friend." I smiled as I hugged her.


"you know," She said laughing,"We said this would never happen."

"Well, now I know that girl's don't have cooties, and now I know that I have indeed fell in love with you."

A small blush rose to her cheeks. The rain has slowed down, not that it would matter because we were both soaked,"Harry?"

"Yes De?" I smiled.

"Pinky Promise to never leave again?" She said with worry in her voice.

"I pinky promise." I said placing a kiss on her head and wrapping our pinkies together.

"We should get back, our mum's are probably worried sick." She said shivering.

"You're right, you're freezing take my jacket." I said handing her my black peacoat.


Delilah's point of view;

"Wake up, Love!" A familiar  british accent rang out.

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Harry's voice screamed.

I mummbled into my pillow,"Go away, I'm trying to sleep."

"Come on, love. wake up." Harry said whispering in my ear sending chills up my spine.

"Fine." I said sitting up, "Where's the other lads?"

"Down stairs eating your Mum's famous pancakes," Harry said smiling.

"Of course,"  I said slidding out of bed and down the stairs.

"MORNING DE!" The four boys chorused.

"morning" I chuckled.

My Mum poured me a glass of orange juice. I took a seat next to the blonde haired Mullingar boy. Each boy had atleast five pancakes stacked on their plates. They were all stuffing their faces in complete silence.

"So, I heard you and Harry snogged yesterday" The blonde haired boy started.

I became wide eyed and started choking on my orange joice I was drinking, after sobering up,"Uh-  uhm, what?"

"Love, Harry wouldn't shut up about it,"

Harry's face turned cherry red,"Shut it."

I could feel my cheeks growing different shades of pink,"Uh,"

"YOU GUYS KISSED!?!" My mum yelled excitedly from the kitchen.

I started blushing furiously and as did Harry.


The boys broke out into hysterical laughter. I looked at Harry and he looked at me with a smile on his face. We both broke out into laughter as well.

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