Chapter 6

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Hey guys(: I think I'm going to continue this story, I hope you guys keep reading. It means a lot to get more and more readers everyday. I know I don't have many, but it still means the world to me! Thank you, loves. xxx

Hope you enjoyed this chapter&& Also Sorry for not posting quite as often, but I'm trying to post as much as I can.(:


Delilah's point of view;

It was late, around 8 at night. The boys had gone home. My Mum has the night shift, She spends the whole night at work. Some nights it gets really lonely, and it just reminds me how alone I actually am. The Sun was set and the house was dark. A grand piano sat in the corner of my living room. I haven't played in forever.

My feet insisted I went over and sat on the bench in front of the piano. My fingers ran over the keys lightly. I began playing, and singing.

My fingers danced on the keys,"Once upon a time,

I believe it was a Tuesday when I caught your eye

And we caught onto something

I hold onto the night, you looked me in the eye and told me you loved me

Were you just kidding?

'cause it seems to me, this thing is breaking down

We almost never speak

I don't feel welcome anymore

Baby what happened, please tell me?

'cause one second it was perfect, now you're halfway out the door"

My voice was soft but gradually grew louder. I was alone in the house, it felt amazing to sing and play again. My Mum was the only one who knew that I actually sang or played, I mean I was amazing at singing but I still enjoyed every time I did it.

"And I stare at the phone, he still hasn't called

And then you feel so low you cant feel nothing at all

And you flashback to when he said forever and always

Oh, and it rains in your bedroom

Everything is wrong

It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone.." I took a pause and sang the next line, "Cause I was there when you said forever and always"

I heard clapping from the other side of the room. Startled, I turned my head quickly to see Harry standing there in wow. Blush ran to my cheeks causing them to heat up quickly. His jaw was hung out,"Wow. De, You never told me you could sing! or ever play Piano!!" 

"Erm," I started not quite sure what to say,"Surprise?"

He chuckled,"Delilah, you're amazing! I can't believe you hid that from me!"

"You're not the only one, the only person who knows is my Mum because she lives with me," I managed to laugh.

Changing the topic Harry's eyes met mine,"How are you?"

"You're treating my like I'm a mental case, I'm fine, Harry." I lied, I was lonely.

"I'm just making sure," He said sending me a reassuring smile.

I nodded,"Well, you should get going. It's getting late and I'm sure Louis is worried sick about his Boo-Bear?" I winked.

"Trying to get rid of me so fast?" He said shooting me a smile. His dimples just made my heart melt.

"Just looking out for my best friend." 

"Let's watch some movies, love." He suggested, well more like demanded.

I searched through the movies that we had. Every movie I had was a chick flick, thankfully Harry didn't completely despise them. The Notebook was the movie I had chosen. I put the movie in the player and went to sit down next to Harry. He tightened his grip around me and pulled me closer to him.

Harry's point of view:

"If you're a bird, I'm a bird," Noah said from the movie.

I felt tears gathering in my eyes, I was always a softie with these kind of movies. I looked down to see if  Delilah could see me crying. But her head was rested on my chest with her eyes shut. She was asleep. With that I let some more tears flow out. 

"You know, I'm awake, right?" She asked scaring me, but with a smile planted on her face.

"God Dammit,De. These movies really get to me." I said wiping the last tear  from my eye.

She let out a loud laugh and snuggled back into my arms. I couldn't help but stare at her, she was wearing a neclace, the neclace.

*Flash back*

"Harry!" Delilah said tackling me into a hug.

"De, I missed you!"  I yelled back, I had just got back from vacation.

"You don't even understand, I had to sit at the dock all alone!"

"Well I'm home now, so we have a lot to catch up on." I smiled.

She laughed,"Harry, you've only been gone for a week, silly, things couldn't have changed much!" 

I shrugged,"You never know, de." 

The sun was setting and we had our feet dangled in the lake. We talked and talked, we laughed and laughed. We heard our Mom's calling our names to tell us to come home,"Coming!" we yelled back in unision.

"Wait! De i almost forgot!"

She turned and looked at me confused,"Yes?"

"I got you a present." 

Her face lit up,"Oh yay!"

I pulled out tehe neclace from my pocket, it was a little heart that opened up,"Here my mummy put a picture in it of us!" I said opening it upand showing her.

A smile grew across her face,"Aw Harry!" She said wrapping her tiny arms around me.

"It means that we're going to be best friend for ever and ever!"

"Of course!" She kissed me cheek and ran up to her Mum.

**End of flash back***** 

"You still have that neclace?" I asked her.

She looked up at me,"Of Course,"

"Well, I still have the braclet you made from that week you went to camp."

She smiled,"You're kidding right? I'm pretty sure I spelled everything wrong, like friends. Plus it was made of cheap string, how do you still have that?" She questioned.

"I took really good care of it." I smiled as she did too.

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