Chapter 12

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Delilah's point of view:

It was around ten, Harry had left a few hours ago. I was laying in bed as my phone started to ring. Harry was calling, I smiled and picked it up,"Hey, what's up?"

"COME OOVVERRR, TO THE BOYS HOTEL, I WANNA CUDDLE." Harry whined over the phone.

"Uh, maybe if you asked nicely." I laughed.

"Please, my beautiful, angelic, gorgeous, princess may you please make your way to my loving castle so we can cherish our body warmth and watch movies and pig out?" Harry pleaded.

I heard an Irish accent yell in the backround,"You're whipped!" followed by sound effects of a whip.

I started cracking up,"Fine, I'll be over in ten."

"Yay, I love you Delilah."

"I love you too Harry."

I hung up the phone and slid on my hoodie and walked into the lounge to see my Mum. She was watching the news,"Hey Mum."

"Where are you going?"

"Can I go to the boys hotel for the night?" I asked giving her the puppy dog eyes.

"De, it's storming like mad outside." She frowned.

"Mum, I'll be fine, it's not far away. I will text you when I get there. I promise," I pleaded.

"I'm completely against this but I know you'll keep nagging, please call or text when you get there. Please be careful De."

"I will, I love you Mum."

She smiled,"I love you too."

I grabbed my keys off the counter and walkedto my car. The rain was flooding the streets, the lighting was filling the sky, and the thunder was overwhelming my ears. I pulled off the exit onto the highway. It wasn't very crowded, my car was slipping and sliding. Suddenly I saw a car coming on my siode of the street I quickly swerved. All I saw was a flash of light then darkness. My body ached and I tried screaming but I couldn't.

Harry's point of view:

"it's been a half hour," I said panicking.

"Calm down, she's probably just taking it slow in the storm." Louis said trying to calm me.

"I shouldn't have asked her to come out." Something in my guy kept telling me that she was hurt, somewhere, some how.

"It's been a fucking hour!" I yelled punching the counter top.

I can't call her because if she is driving she will get distracted.

Another hour passed by,"I'm going ro find her"

"Harry, stop it." Liam said grabbing me.

"Get off, I need to save her."

"She probably hasn't left yet, maybe she's waiting for the storm to pass" Niall said trying to cheer me up, even he didn't believe his story.

I clenched my first until they started turning white.Suddenly my phone began ringing in tne kitchen, I ran to it and answered it quickly in hope of it being Delilah. I heard sobbing,"Hello?"

"Harry? It's de." Delilah's mum said beyond her sobs.

Right then my heart shattered,"What happened?! where is she?! is she okay!?"

She started crying,"I don't know, Harry. We're at Leighton Hospital."

I panicked and grabbed a jacket and my keys,"I'm coming right now." I hung up the phone and ran towards the door before someone stopped me.

"We're all coming." Liam said and the boys were down the steps in minutes.


I ran through the main doors of the lobby and ran to the front desk.

"Delilah McIntyre?" I said to the woman who typed away on her computer.

"third floor, room 101" She said forcing a smile.

I nodded and I ran to the elevator. The boys were following me at the same speed. We got to the floor and I began searching for 101. Then I saw Her Mum sitting on a chair with her face ikn her hands, she was crying. I ran over to her,"What happened?"

She looked up,"She got in a  car accident."

My heart started racing,"when can I see her?"

"Not until tomorrow morning." She sighed.

I sat on the chair, the boys sat on the ones opposite of mine. I rested my head in the palm of my hands as I rubbed my face.

I woke up and looked to see the boys asleep in the chairs around me. Quickly, I stood up to talk to one of the nurses."Can I see Delilah?"

"Yeah, go right ahead."

I walked up the door, but stopped and just stared at the handle, I opened it to see her lying silently on her bed. There was a chair pulled up to the side of her bed that I immediatly sat in. I grabbed her hand and rested it in mine.


Delilah's point of view:

 I can hear beeping, like a heart monitor. I can't see anything, but I can hear everything. My Mum was in here earlier crying and begging me to wake up, but I couldn't, as hard as I tried I couldn't force myself to wake up.

The door opened again and felt someone sit next to me. Someone grabbed my hand, sparks flew throughout my body, it was Harry. He began whispering to himself,"No, no, no, no, this is all my fault."

I just wanted to scream,"No! it's not your fault!'

but I know nothing would come out.

Harry kept on talking,"Delilah, I know you can't hear me, well atleast I don't think you can." he started.

"I can!' but nothing came out.

"I love you, so much." I heard him sniffle,"I shoudn't have asked you to comeover, it was too bad outside. I should've just sucked it up and waited."

I felt a drop of water, on my hand. He was crying,"I just can't believe I may never hear your voice again. It breaks my fucking heart," He started crying harder,"I'm such a fucking idiot. I am so stupid for asking you to come out. I just want you to wake up."

Harry's point of view:

I stared at her motionless body, I kept on takling. I had to tell her, though I know she can't hear me. Tears were streaming down my face as I just talked. Memories of us just kept replaying through my mind.


"Delilah, I don't know what's happening." I said running up to her and crying.

She frowned,"What do you mean?"

"My mum said that my dad isn't stay with us anymore, and she was crying."

She pulled me into a hug,"We can share my Dad."

"Really?" I said smiling through my tears.

"Of Course." she said smiling.

"I hate when they fight, it always makes me cry. I hate crying." I sniffled.

She was silent, and we just sat at the dock looking out into the water,"Harry?"

"Yeah, de?"

"Since we're getting married, can you promise to never fight?"

I smiled,"We will never ever ever fight."

"Will you promise to make sure that I never ever get hurt?"

"I pinky promise." I said intertwining our fingers.

She smiled and leaned over a kissed my cheek,"Harry Styles never breaks promises, so I believe you."

**end flashback**

I shook my head and started to cry again,"Delilah, I'm sorry I broke so many promises."

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