I Should've Kissed You.

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Hey guys, It's my first fan fiction, and I'm just seeing where it goes. Please read!

I'm going to try to post everyday, or atleast at a constant rate!

Thank you so much!(: x



Delilah point of view;

"HARRY! GET OFF! YOU'RE CRUSHING ME!" I hollered at the cheshire boy who sat ontop of me.

"No, Your boney arse is quite comfortable!" He smiled sending me a wink.

"Ha Ha very funny, now get off me before I tell everyone about that one ti-"

Suddenly the weight was lifted off of me and I had a hand clamped over my mouth. Once he removed his hand from my mouth, I smiled a wide teethy grin at Harry,"You wouldn't."

"Oh, But I would." I said with a devilish grin.

He immediatly tackled me and started tickling me until I was gasping for breath. See, Harry and I have been best friends since the moment I popped out, Harry came a month before I. Our Mother's new eachother since highschool, they've been best friends ever since.

"Ha-ha-har-" I stammered, "HARRY!" I finally got out.

"Say you love me, then I'll stop"

"No I Ha- Hate you!" I blurted out.

He faked a frown and acted as if I actually meant what I had said,"You know you love me."

"Fine, Ha-Harry, I lo-ve you!"

He backed up and smiled. I watched as he stood up and took his previous position propped up on the couch. He grabbed the remote and cilicked through the channels. I sat up from the floor and made my way over to sit next to him.  My ears couldn't help but enjoy the tune Harry was humming. Harry's voice was wonderful, he's been singing for as long as I can remember.

"De, I have to tell you something," I looked over at him and his face suddenly got serious

"Well, Go on" I said confused.

"I'm trying out for X Factor, next week.." 

I jumped from my seat and threw my arms around Harry,"That's amazing! You had me so scared! You're definitely getting in!"

A frown was planted on his face, "I mean if I do, things are going to change, a lot"

"Silly Hazzy, You're still going to be my best friend. I promise"

 He seemed to cringe at the word friend, but he shot me a weak smile,"I know bu-"

"No buts, you're going for your dream. I'm taking you out for Dinner! my treat!"

"Deli-" I clamped my hand over his mouth,"Harry, Stop. Things are never going to change between us."

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