Without Me

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One week later 

Diana had received a bit of a reaming from the principal for attacking Tina that day in the locker room, however since she was "a good student" with no prior incidents she had been sentenced to detention each day after school for the following week. When the week was up she walked out of the classroom that detention was held in and saw Billy waiting for her in the hallway. 

He leaned against the wall across the hallway with one foot propped up on the wall, his arms crossed and his signature smirk plastered on his face. Even though he was inside he was sporting his brown leather jacket and his dark aviator glasses. His sunglasses travelled down his nose as he looked over top of them at Diana. 

"Well, well, well. Todays the end of your prison sentence isnt it?" He asked her as she walked by, clutching her books to her chest. 

"Go away, Billy" she said unamused as she headed toward her locker. 

"C'mon, Red. I know me kissing Tina made you blow your top the other day. And, well, I want to apologize" he told her as he reached for her arm to pull her to a stop. 

"For what? Moving on so quickly? Guess you dont really know what real love is , do you Billy?" She spat at him, jerking her arm away. 

"Hey!" He yelled and yanked her to a stop again, causing her to drop her books. When she went to pick them up he grabbed both of her upper arms and squeezed tightly. 

"I wouldnt have been fucking anyone else if you hadnt given me the brush off! You think Im enjoying myself, Diana? My life is miserable without you in it. I look in the mirror every day and i hate myself for the shit Ive caused you! I know youre scared of me, but i dont know what to do to change it. I love you" he was shaking her now and she cringed away from him. 

"Let go of me, Billy!" She finally screamed and he stopped, dropping her arms. 

"You think youre the only one having a hard time? A month ago I had the guy of my dreams, we were having a great time until one night he goes psycho, tries to kill my friend and ends up hurting me so bad i have a lovely bruise to look at every single day I wake up, to remind me of the night the man of my dreams turned into a monster. So stop complaining, asshole" she yelled in his face. 

He gritted his teeth at her, she knew he was getting angry. "Fine. But do me a favour? Dont beat up every girl I fuck because youre jealous, its bad for business if you know what I mean" he spat at her. 

She hauled off and slapped him hard across his face. He laughed at her, just like he had laughed at Steve the night of the fight. He began to walk away, punching a locker as he left , then lighting a cigarette inside as he headed for the door. 

The next few days she watched as he left each afternoon with a different girl in his Camaro, purposely speeding past her so he was sure she would see. 

One night, she was sitting on her couch playing her guitar quietly with Hades sitting beside her when there was a knock at her door. When she went and opened it she was surprised to find Max standing at the door. 

"Max! Hey, whats going on?" Diana asked. 

Max crossed her arms, gave Diana the death glare before pushing her way into the house. 

"You have to get back with my brother". 

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