Shot in the Dark

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Max shook Diana's shoulder vigorously and wiped away the blood that had poured out of her nose. "Diana..hey..are you ok?" Max asked her as she pushed the disheveled red hair out of Diana's eyes. Diana blinked a couple times then inhaled. A sharp pain shot through her nose and she felt her eyes begin to water. 

"What the..hell was that?" She asked as Max helped her to her feet. 

"The asshole knocked you stupid is what happened!" Dustin chimed in. 

Max walked over to Billy, who still lay on the floor unconscious. She pulled the keys to the Camaro out of his pocket and held them up. "Lets go" she said to the boys. 

Diana looked over at Steve, who looked like he had gone a few rounds with a ton of bricks. " Shit.." Was all she could muster after looking over at Billy, then back at Steve. 

"Max you cant drive" Diana said. 

Max crossed her arms "Believe it or not that asshole used to like me before we moved here. He taught me how to drive in a studio parking lot. I can drive. Now help us get Steve into the car". Diana didnt argue, since she didnt have much of a choice. The kids and her struggled to get Steve into the car but eventually succeeded. "Be careful, Max" Diana told her as she gave her a quick hug. "You too" Max said, looking her dead in the eyes. 

Now Diana knew what Max had been talking about way back on the day they had met. Billy was crazy. 

Diana walked back into the Byers house and took in her surroundings. The walls were littered with strange drawings that went throughout the entire house, the place was in shambles. Diana thought back to the creature she had seen, silently wondering if the drawings on the walls and it were connected in some way. She needed to find Hopper, but right now she had bigger problems. 

She looked down at Billy, wondering what Max had dosed him with to knock him out this hard. She tried lifting his arm. Billy was not a small person, plus he was almost solid muscle. Him being this heavily drugged made him solid dead weight. 

"Fuck." Diana spit through her teeth as hot tears streamed down her face. She flinched when she went to wipe them away and she touched the cheek Billy had punched in his fit of rage. She was crying now out of pure anger. How dare he put them all in danger like he had. She contemplated leaving him here but she was so worried that monster would come and eat him she decided against it. 

She went over to the phone and called Corinne. 


"Cor, its Diana. I need you to borrow the car and come to the Byers right now. Please hurry" 

"Uhhh..ok but why would i.." She began but Diana cut her off.

"Corinne! Please just come" she pleaded. 

"Ok! God, i'll be there in a few" she huffed then hung up the phone. 

Ten minutes had passed when Diana saw Corinne's moms teal 1978 Pinto Wagon pull up beside her car.

 Corinne opened the door "This better be good I basically stole mom's car, shes passed out again.." her jaw dropped.

 Diana sat on the floor beside a very unconscious Billy Hargrove, the left side of her face swollen and bruised, dried blood under her nose. She took in the drawings that covered the walls. 

"What the fuck is all this!?" She shrieked and ran toward Where Diana was sitting , hugging her knees to her chest. 

"Im ok, everythings ok.." Diana began.

"Well it doesnt fucking look like it!! Why is he dead!? And why do you look like you picked a fight with Rocky Balboa?" She yelled, eyes saucers. 

Diana explained everything. How she had come over here looking for Billy, and how he had snapped. 

"Please Corinne, we gotta get him to my car. I have no idea where I'm gonna take him but we have to get him out of here at least" Diana gestured around the room. 

"Uhh no way! You leave him here he's dangerous! We'll call Hopper and he can come get him. Look at what he did to you!" Corinne yelled. 

"I cant leave him here! Now please, Im begging you to help me" Diana pleaded. 

Diana was thankful to have such a large friend at this particular moment. The two girls struggled to pick Billy up so decided to drag him by the legs on his back instead. He bumped his head on each step going down and Diana didnt feel the least bit sorry for him. They got him beside the Chevelle and dropped his feet to the ground. 

"Now what?" Corinne asked, out of breath. 

Diana held up a finger to show she had an idea and went around to the drivers side of the car. She rolled down the top on the convertible, a wide grin on her face. "Now we improvise" she said. 

The two girls struggled but eventually got him to his feet. He was starting to come to a little bit which helped. They leaned him up against the side of the car so he was even with the backseat and pushed him in. He groaned when he folded up like a cheap suit in the back seat but again, Diana didn't care. 

"Are you gonna be alright?" Corinne asked, concern on her face as she looked at a crumpled Billy in the backseat. 

"Yeah I'm going to drive around until he comes to a bit then I'm going to dump him at home i guess" she shrugged. 

"Call me if you need anything else. Im serious" Corinne told her then left. 

Diana turned around to look at Billy in the backseat. He was unconscious again. 

"God damn it, Billy. I should just leave you here you asshole. Its what you deserve" she said angrily to him, knowing he couldn't hear. 

While she sat here hating him for hurting her and Steve, she still couldn't help herself when she reached down to push a stray curl of hair off his forehead. 

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