A Tag of War

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Sorry for keeping you wait and thank you for the patience of reading this story.

I'll try to update whenever I get free time.

Here's the update

Spread Love 💚


Chrystal's POV
I've tried to clear my mind and throw out all thoughts about Al and Sam, on our way to the Rosevelt. As I have said, they are the richest and most well-known persons in the world. No one beat them in the first rank. Well i'm afraid that just it, but Mum and Dad said they're good blokes (outside, if you asked me, inside? It's exactly the opposite). But, Mrs. Rosevelt is the kindest Rosevelt I ever knew. And her husband? Well he's nice, but one thing people don't know about their family, is they're ruthless, well of course except Mrs. Rosevelt.

The Rosevelt has four heirs, and they are all male. Based on what I heard about their eldest, he is just as ruthless as his father. Well, they're Mafias. So it's dangerous to go against them. Then there's the second, he's nice, but a total jerk. He'll get whatever he wanted in either good or bad way. Then the third, just like his mother, he's the nicest and kindest not to mention he's a silent type of a person. He will not talk to you unless you talk first. And yeah he's a surgeon too. Just like me, he keeps his profile low.

He is a year older than me. I heard he haven't got a girlfriend either. That was a surprise to hear, he could have all the girls he wants. He can even choose who he wanted to be with. Well, why do I care anyway. Then their last, the youngest, who is currently still at his college life. Just like the third, he's a silent type too. But a really funny young man if you knew him.

And one more thing. Calvin James Rosevelt, their third son, is a friend of mine. It's just that, no one knew about it, not even our family. We both went at the same med-school. He was my big brother when we are still in our college. People around us even think that we are together.

It's been so long since the last time I saw and talked to him. We just busy on our lives now. But I am looking forward of seeing him today. I admit I missed him.

"You okay, Chrys?" asked Jasmine all of a sudden.

"Fine than ever. Why would I not be okay?" I said.

They looked at each other and they both shook their heads.

"We're here" said Ed. He entered a grand gate leading to a massive Mansion that almost looked like a palace to me.

Just by looking at the cars ahead of us, I reckon we're the last one to arrive. Famous family are now at the entrance making their way inside the house.

At the very entrance, there stood Mr. and Mrs. Rosevelt, wearing their elegant suit and dress, looking handsome and gorgeous. They shook every guests hands, greeting them kindly.

I fixed myself the moment I went out of the car. Looking at everyone around me now, you can't deny the fact that this is absolutely a gathering for the wealthiest families only. And I am not comfortable right now. I am terribly nervous and I can feel my sweat coming out of my body.

"Nervous, I see" said a voice behind me. I didn't bother to look. Just by the sound of his voice, no doubt it's him. "Just be yourself and you will fit in just fine".

"I'm not actually" I said lying. I don't want them to see me like this, especially when Sam is around.

"Why didn't you come along with us? Is there something wrong I did?" he asked which makes me and the atmosphere awkward.

"Ed and Jas asked me first, so I said yes. Besides you already had a company." I said and smile at him before I catch up with Ed and Jas leaving the two behind.

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