Announcement!!! New Novel Ideas

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Heyyyyy I'm back already! My schedule is hectic but I just love writing too much to leave for long! So updates won't be as plenty full as before, but you all know I don't leave ya hanging for too long and I never leave a novel unfinished.

I'm aware Eclipse wasn't my best work and kudos to whoever successfully does a whole battle of the mind concept, seriously it's hard. Also, another huge kudos for who followed Eclipse to the end, as well as my other two novels, Can You Love Me Again and At Any Cost, very much appreciated. :)

Anyway, I gather my fellow Wattpadians here to help me decide what my next novel is to be about as I thrive off all your inputs. (Which reminds me to fix the Mustafar sequence in this novel as I've been told some of your guys got confused, I will try and clean it up for you all.) But anyway, I will certainly try to keep to the descriptions this time as Eclipse definitely didn't go the way I had originally planned, those of you that participated in helping me choose the plot would know. Once again I present the three main ideas and it's up to you all to help me choose the next plot. Comment and vote for the novel you most want to see, also keep in mind that Eclipse was really hard core and malevolent, so there was not much room for fluff. These ideas are supposed to have more fluff and still an interesting and original plotline. (Anidala fans get hyped!)

1. (Title undecided) The Rescued Slave.

This one is heavily Anidala and the one I actually have the most ideas for at the moment.

Excerpts: "Please don't hide your face Ani. Crying makes you human."

It broke her heart as eyes that she knew were blue closed up once more, shutting himself off from the outside world of freedom and scrambling back to the precarious safety of his own mind. She longed to reach out and touch his face, caress his back where all the nasty scars cut a horrible story of an oppressed boy that grew into a shell of a man that he could've been. Far away in her own mind, she briefly dreamed about a strong, broad shouldered man with arrogant, electric eyes, screaming passion and authority as well as a hint of recklessness. Not a trace of burden or sorrow hanging over the sea of free blue joy as it is free to soar out over the deepest oceans and fly high in the clearest sky.

She came back as soon as she heard a frightening sound.

An empty chuckle devoid of all the potential humor it could have had escaped him, and she imagined there was a bitterness in his shrouded eyes. "I haven't been human since I was taken and thrown into slavery to rot. No one cared then, no one should care now."

Not only was there missing humor in his laugh, but there was a dangerous apathy riding his words.


"My name?" He paused as if trying to remember.

"Yes, your name. I don't want to call you slave." It made her cock a perplexed brow to see how hard he concentrated to recall his own rightful name and she was forced to suck in a breath at how he marginally flinched as she inched closer. She froze mid-stride and in a gesture of goodwill, she crouched down to eye level.

This time she was prepared when his eyes shot to the ground. When he finally summoned the courage to answer her, it was no more than a shivering whisper.

"My name was Anakin." So timidly did he say it made her wonder what a horrible life he had lived. She was sure the angry sores covering the chained man could tell her if she was brave enough to ask.

"Anakin." She smiled on his name as if speaking the name of a good friend, while filing the past - tense address away for later. However he didn't look up, as if unused to acknowledging by the call. She yearned to touch his cheek and meet his eyes to at least create a connection. She believed even the darkest past had a bright future, but she settled for a quiet but genuine, "I like that."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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