Chapter 30- The Weakness Of The Power Of Family

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Anakin let an enormous sigh of relief wash over him, and pass through his parted lips as the blunt piece of metal collapsed just a foot from crushing his beautiful wife and son.

He panted heavily, collecting his bearings after the shaking of the room ceased. Fumbling for his weapon, his eyes widened for a second before narrowing in annoyance. Where he normally felt the comforting smooth metal, he now felt nothing but the rough texture of his empty belt. With a grunt of irritation, his eyes fell back on Palpatine.

With a smirk of malicious triumph, Sidious outstretched his hand calmly, knowing Anakin was watching from his place from the floor. Seconds later, his precious blade, his most prized possession, was clasped in the wrong wrinkly hands.

"Looking for this Lord Vader?" Sidious mocked with a laugh at his indignant expense. He ignited the brilliant blue, repulsed and tempted to chuck it down the reactor shaft, but instead holding back to toy with his arrogant apprentice. The eerie glow of scarlet soon shot out of another elegant hilt, joining the blue and merging light and dark. He brought each blade to his side, on his right was Jedi, on the left was sith. The blue tip was pointed to the ground, but the red came up to the siths Lords face to admire it for a moment.

"Don't you think scarlet suits you better Vader?" He mused.

Anakin growled, trying to keep the hate and lust for vengeance at bay. Silence the darkside and keep his eye on the prize. The prize being his family by his side, and the sith Lords head roll away from his lifeless body, courtesy of Anakin's weapon, which he vowed to retrieve. However, all supression was terminated at the memory that his wife and son, the people who he'd frighten the most if the sea blue morphed into a sick yellow, we're unconscious... and therefore, unable to judge. What they don't know, can't hurt them. It was this he thought as a slow, malevolent smirk curled his lips and his blue eyes gave rise to yellow as he fixated his vedictive glare straight through the emperors black heart. "Impressive. You do remember my name."

Anakin watched the emperors smile grow on his heinous face with disgust. He had joined the rebellion for justice. To simply blow up his battle station or swipe his blade across Sidious's throat. There would be no bleeding. The fatal wound would instantly be cauterized, no mess, nice and easy. He sought no revenge, only justice. Or, that what he had continued to call it. But now, Sidious had messed with him personally, had kidnapped his loving wife, and did who knows what to her soul, then he tampered with his treasure of a son and sent his mind force knows where. Sidious could hurt him, torture him, kill him, not a problem. But when his family was dragged into this, then the control snaps. Vader had broken free of his cage, and soon, Vader would die happy with his revenge, and Anakin could finally have peace.

Pleased with Vaders snarky play, Sidious prolonged the game. "I'd never forget the name of my unfaithful apprentice." He snarled bitterly.

Anakin almost laughed. In fact, he did. And it pleasured him to no end to see the scowl implanted on the sith Lords grotesque features and to sense his anger build. "I am a faithful apprentice Sidious." He cocked a sly brow that made him look and feel twenty years younger. "Just not to you."

"Oh, and I suppose you're happy with your pathetic alliegence to the weak Jedi." He snapped, spitting the Jedi name and probably swallowing bile.

"Very much so." Anakin agreed, still on the floor and seeing no reason to get up. That is, until his own blue blade was pressed inches from his throat. The emperor stood above him, his grip on Anakin's Jedi weapon so tight, Anakin was a little concerned for a fracture.

"How are you this stupid?!" Sidious did all but yell it incredulously. "You abandon a life of unlimited power, to rule at my side as second in command to the empire and learn as a sith to protect anyone you so chose... For the weak Jedi! For the pitiful rebel alliance that will go crashing down in flames, trying in vain to bring wretched peace?!" He tsked, driving Anakin's blade so close that Anakin felt a discomforting burn graze him.

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