Chapter 31- Failure

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  Anakin could only watch in jaw dropped horror as three prisoners were dragged roughly inside the enormous throne room The storm troopers took no pity in their victims struggles or threats as they merely gasp their upper arms tighter with a gloved iron grip.

He was vaugly aware that he froze up and Sidious could easily disarm him. Pull, ironically, the same tactic he had executed a few... what was it minutes? Hours ago? Anakin no longer had any perception of time. All he knew was in his paralysis, Sidious had remained between the two humming blades, held by trembling hands.

It didn't occur to Anakin as to why Sidious continued to kneel in a precarious position that he could die in one swift strike. The only thing occupying his tortured head was the fact that the remains of his family had just been hauled inside to their doom.

If he wasn't so petrified, Anakin would've groaned in irritation. As if it wasn't bad enough Padmé had kidnapped by the nefarious emperor who just happened to loath him, been brainwashed into believing the darkside and all its teachings were flawness, despite her lifelong rebellion against anything but democracy. Then she was knocked out to suffer in whatever unconscious Hell she was enduring while his world was crashing down around him. On top of that, he wasn't even certain he could reverse whatever trance she'd been placed in. He couldn't determine if he'd ever see her jubilant smile with shining white teeth that reached all the way up to her soft mocha orbs ever again. And worst of all, she'd never tell him what he wanted- no. Needed to hear after all the betrayal, heartache and tears that he tried so desperately to make up for in the latest beautiful months... 'I love you too.' It was a sentence he had been dying to hear from her ever since he opened his own blue orbs to see her frowning face in the guest room. It was a moment filled with relief and resentment, but he wouldn't trade it for anything... Except perhaps a heartfilled 'I love you too.'

The thought of loosing her again, by anyone's slimy hand cut him deeply to the core. If she died, he'd openly pray to follow soon after. If she were to be ripped away from his loving embrace again, the murderer may as well tear his beating heart out of his chest cavity, crush it in their cold, unfeeling hands and drain his entire pointless life all its remaining meaning. He just... couldn't think about it right now... He'd have to find a way to reverse her situation later...

Maybe Luke would be easier to awaken. The blonde boy next to his mother was also unfortunately motionless, but at least he did not embody the darkside for a few agonizing, tricky minutes like his mother. Anakin sensed new emotions from him though. He sensed a disquieting abundance of resentment, and even some disdain. There was even the tiniest shreds of detest that he couldn't figure out as to why. It spooked Anakin, but he really didn't need anything else looming over his head right now. Luke didn't stir, or moan or make any sign that he was even alive except for a rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. It was small, but it was the only comfort Anakin could hold onto right now. Both his precious treasures- now all his precious treasures, we're in the cold hands of the sith that ruined his life forever.

Now, on top of all his anxieties that were already robbing his lungs from inhaling steadily, having a raging war with fear and anger in his head and still fighting the darkside now that his family was present on top of all that! He had been consumed in the darkness and allowed it's power to do whatever it pleased to do with his mind and body. It was increasingly difficult to switch it off like a light that he found so elusive.

The errie whisper that he was once again helpless and impotent, took hold of his mind and heart once more as he finally tore his wide eyes from his family and to the sith lord below him who just chose an obnoxiously perfect time to open his dispicable mouth. Anakin's patience, no longer existed as he tried once again to banish the darkside and the gold burning his sea blue eyes.

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