Chapter 27- Your Father Would Know

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    Both Skywalker's looked on in utter horror as Padmé crumbled to the ground, the flash of yellow startling Luke even more than when he seen Anakin's switch. The scrabble outside was forgotten by all. Despite the ground shaking continuously as explosions rocked the death star, Anakin and Luke's wide blue eyes couldn't peel away from their fallen loved one. 

Sidious had long since untangled himself from Anakin's furious body slam and while he was much older than the younger man beside him, his breathing was much closer to steady than Anakin's ragged breaths, on the verge of a panic attack. 

He felt frozen in place, even though he was perfectly capable of moving. His blonde bangs fell into his eyes as he let his head drop, staring at the floor as if wondering if it held the answers. His throat felt dry as it remained wide open, absent of moisture to keep it him from swallowing a desert. He was petrified and beyond angry. His piercing blue glare was proof of that. Anakin only wished looks could kill. 

Luke replicated his father's reaction exactly. He found himself frozen with horror with the same unattractive jaw-dropped terror as his father beside him. Not quite free of ire, but no where near exceeding. Their screams merged as once, their pain swirling through the force. 

Sidious on the other hand had casually strolled back up the steps and gracefully lowered himself onto his black throne, a triumphant, insidious smirk planted on his sick twisted face. He savored the atmosphere as he too could feel their agony rushing through the force just as well- if not better than any pathetic Jedi. His raspy voice echoed off the walls, but they were pointed directly at his target. "Where are your Jedi comrades now my friend?" Sidious asked with sardonic malice, emphasis on his later term. "They are too weak- they don't care to help you." But his smirk stretched. "Now the sith on the other hand... are limitless. You could be more powerful that any Jedi could begin to imagine. Together we could be invincible." 

His seductive words sank into Anakin's mind leaving a stain on his common sense for a few moments. Reminding him of the full fledged power the darkside had to offer him. He liked it, he craved it... but he would never give in! Or so he kept chanting in his tainted mind... 

Anakin chewed the inside of his cheek nervously. He knew the Jedi were... not all powerful. They abolished love and attachment. Let alone teach one to save others. He also knew too well that Jedi were never valued. They were expendable. There were thousands until the night of the slaughter. Jedi were frowned upon if they grieved. The cruel memory of his master supposed 'death' ran through his mind. They had the audacity to order him to meditate on it. He also knew that as a Jedi, he couldn't use unimaginable power to preserve the ones he loved. Those who lived and those who died were up to the force. Not him. And he hated it.

He pursed his lips into a thin red line the more he pondered on it at this horribly timed moment. Now was not the time to analyze and compare the Jedi and the Sith, but the notion simplely wouldn't fold. The Jedi couldn't save anyone- Wouldn't try to save anyone. Not their own, not the insurgency they served, not his children, nor his wife. But neither would Sidious... Would he?

Anakin was only swept back into reality when a snap-hiss of a lightsaber, accompanied by an emerald hue burst to life from a few steps way. He watched as Luke pointed it in the direction of the notorious emperor, his teeth grit until he finally spat toxins. "It is useless emperor. Your words are wasted on my father. He is the most powerful Jedi who ever lived and he has never brushed the darkside. He never will!" 

Sidious began to laugh, confusing Luke while Anakin visibly tensed up. 

"Powerful does not necessarily mean Jedi, my naive young Skywalker. Perhaps even the opposite." He smirked, clutching his arm rests as he leaned forward despite Luke and Anakin still being quite the distance away from his throne. "Jedi do not posses power. but that does not mean they do not crave it." He smirked, leaning back. "You're father would certainly know son." 

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