Chapter 19- The Thrill Of The Race

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(Now here's where things pick up guys! ;D Remember to comment and vote :3)

"And there goes Sebulba! Taking the lead again!" The announcer with two heads yelled out over the microphone system. The excitement in his voice screaming, drowned out by the cheers and boos in the massive stadium. Ah yes. The annuel Bonta eve pod race.

Luke and Leia held the holo device, staring at it intently, minds lost in concentration and engrossed by the violent adventure that was pod racing. Each young Skywalker amazed at how something could really travel that fast. In Tatooine no less.

Tatooine was a troubling planet for Anakin to say the least. With its sandstorms and scolding heat bearing down on a slaves back, it was hard to forget how he sweat and was left dehydrated on most days. And of course, it was always that feeling of guilt and anger that swarmed him whenever he stepped foot on his pile of dust. It hit him in the clone wars when he and Ahsoka went to rescue Jabba's son and it slapped him in the face when he touched down with his children today. This was the place he watched him mother die. This was the place where he grazed and harnessed the darkside as he went berserk, committing genocide on those Tuskans... Oh well. They deserved it. Anakin lounged back, deep in thought. It is hard to find some good memories. The only one he could think of was meeting Padmé. He frowned at the thought of his angel. He'd told her they were going out for milk. And that didn't go well.

"Come on! double time guys!"

"Where are we going father?" Leia asked curiously, wrapping her bright snow white cloak over her shoulders.

"Tatooine honey." Anakin smiled at his daughter as he adjusted her cloak on her shoulders before hauling on his own midnight black one.

"What?!" His whiny son cut in. "There? What in the universe would you wanna do there?"

Anakin smirked. "Simple son. It's Bonta eve."

Luke's eyes widened, enlivened as he finally figured out why they were going. "Sweet!! I can't wait to see the pod-" Anakin clamped his gloved hand over his sons prattling mouth, shooting him a secretive glare. "Shh your mother will-"

"Ani?" Padmé Naberrie asked, coming around the corner. Her brow cocked at seeing all three Skywalker's ready to leave to an unknown destination with their reckless father and without her. Crossing her arms, she gave Anakin a pointed look.

"Anakin, mind telling me where you're taking my children?" She asked, skeptical of him since the little mishap with Luke yesterday. The event still fresh in her mind. She also didn't miss Anakin's hand covering Luke's mouth, stifling words.

Anakin smiled sheepishly, looking around the room to anywhere but her mocha glare, ready to speak when Leia cut in nonchalantly.


"The market!" Anakin cut in way too fast, clamping his other hand over Leia's mouth. Good thing he only had two kids.

Padmé shifted her weight to her other leg. "Tatooine and market?" She asked incredulously.

Anakin chuckled, removing his black gloves from his kids mouths, realizing how bad that looked as he ran a hand through his hair. He just really needed some distance between them tonight. She really laid into him after Obi-Wan had left. The woman was furious! Then again, he didn't blame her. He almost killed their son! Anakin was still appalled at how fast he lost control, but Luke forgave him, continuously telling him it was fine. So...

Why couldn't she forgive him?...

"The... market on Tatooine!" Luke chimed in, knowing his father and mother were not on the best terms as of late and also not wanting his mom to ruin more male bonding time. It was bad enough Leia was coming, but Anakin and Leia hadn't went out in a while so he allowed it.

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