Chapter 29- You Don't Abandon Family

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  Esteemed General Obi-Wan Kenobi, negotiator, Jedi master and chronic warrior as of late, stood puzzling in the command bucket, on the rebel base in Yavin IV, stroking his snow white beard. 

The last few hours were still somewhat of a blur to the old Jedi. He'd been on Tatooine, discussing a peace agreement with the notorious crime Lord, Jabba the Hutt only an hour ago when things turned sour. 

Obi-Wan absently made a face of disgust at the thought of the hideous slug that ruled the dust ball planet. However, he would never vocalize his true loathing for the savage, uncultured beast, as was such a display toward the lower life-form was unbenefiting of a Jedi master of old.

Of course, such a display was not unorthodox to his former Padawan. It seemed like something precisely what he'd do. Perhaps some aggressive negotiations would ensue and he'd have to break his neck running to Tatooine to save him once again, where they would compare scores of who owed who a life debt. 

Oh how he wished for those easier days. One would never know of how good they have it until they can look back on it from the dreary future as an old man. 

Obi-Wan let lose a sigh from his place bent over their latest plot to destroy the emperor and his unsightly reign. It was a well constructed plan, considering the odds against them and their limited ammunition. It was well thought out, and at times a gamble. 

It didn't take a Jedi master, who lived in war for half his life to find out who constructed it. No doubt was it the reckless Jedi knight, his best friend and brother, Anakin Skywalker. 

It troubled him. Not the fact that Anakin assessed and formulated the assault, as he knew his Padawan since he was nine and he was always a strong strategist who could pull off miraculous stunts and come out unharmed. Anakin was a magnificent warrior and an intelligent general in nearly every aspect, but again, this wasn't Obi-Wan Kenobi's problem for the time being. 

No it was Anakin himself right now. Since the hanger bay doors opened, shouting rocked the entire base. Both with exhilarated hope and grievous dismay. The radio channel had continued the chants with joyful cheers, fearful warning, delightful congratulations and gloomy whispered farewells, yet none originated from his reckless old friend. Anakin was usually europhic in space. His whoops and cheers would blare through the comm in absolute exhilaration and he knew Anakin was never happier than when he is amongst the stars in battle. 

Whenever Obi-Wan decided to look for him, all he could sense was a wave of hatred that threatened to swallow the light in his aura whole and a frightening amount of resentment towards something... or someone. Fear was the only other emotion and that was also worrisome because the old Jedi master knew how foggy his apprentices mind gets when something is to be feared or when someone is in danger. To say the least, the great master of patience was growing rather impatient. 

Obi-Wan was snapped from his inner worries when a young, refreshing voice intruded. 

"Master Kenobi!" Came the urgent crackling from a particular radio frequency. 

Startled, Obi-Wan whirred around immediately, his whole being a total jumble of nerves as he faced the entrance, expecting to see the man he called brother in all his arrogant glory.

He tried not to let his jubilant smile drop, or his shoulders sag as he heard a very feminine giggling erupt behind him. 

'Old Man' Echoed through his mind in his brothers tone at his poor posture, which he immediately re-positioned. He still half-hoped to see his reckless friends cocky little smirk that made his crystalline orbs twinkle behind his bouncy blonde waves when he met the blue hologram, but once again, he let his hopes get too high. 

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