Chapter 24- The Monster Clad In Black

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  Anakin Skywalker soared high in the void of space, pushing the yoke as far as it could possibly go, flashing through oblivion, nearly at lightspeed. Teeth grit and azure eyes narrowed into murderous slits, staring with a determined glare dead ahead at his target as the stars passed him by. 

Every so often, a foolish enemy pilot would fly over and pick a fight with the infuriated chosen one, making the dumbest mistake of their lives as they leisurely glided into his cross-hairs. He relished in their idiocy more and more as his missile closed the ships proximity. He chuckled darkly as they tried to evade it, but failed in futility and exploded. Anakin responded by deliberately slowing his speed as he drifted through their remains that would slowly get sucked into the black holes somewhere in this wretched galaxy. A man could dream.

"C'mere you karking little bantha kung." He muttered to himself vehemently, lining up for the kill of his newest fool. The ship had been flying carelessly for too long and Anakin would have let him go, had he not started teasing him with his arrogant skill of evading his attack. He scowled. No one dodges his assails. He whirled around abruptly, getting in behind the unsuspecting ship and smirked as his thumb pressed down on the trigger. 

The ship jostled randomly, completely out of control once Anakin had taken their engines out. 

'Just for fun.' He mused. Vengeful and pure amusement coated his inner thoughts. The ship attempted to blast Anakin, giving him a taste of his own medicine, but Anakin was much more skilled than any typical pilot and after leading the missile on a wild goose chase, he nicked the other ships canopy, seconds before impact. "Beesga" He gave a mock salute in triumph as yet another ship collapsed in a fire ball of flame and debris. He zipped by to allow the dead pilot to choke on his smoke. The fire erupting from his adversary cooled off almost instantaneously as it felt the cool stomach of oblivion. He had left his mercy with his kids on Yavin. In the sky, was his domain, and he was ruthless. 

Anakin loosened his grip on the yoke slightly. Blowing up the Imps' had given him a sense of freedom and spirit since the rebellion basically adopted him and it continued to now as he continued to be a bullet through space at break neck speed. It was a nice way to escape the overwhelming worry and gloom as he parted from his children only hours ago. And also to avoid thinking about her agony he had recently received, in the form of a mental cry. 

Padmé was in trouble. Serious trouble, and Anakin knew he'd have to hurry now if he were to save her. His grasp tightened at the thought, raking his brain to find a way to break off now, the relaxing drift not lasting long before it became a mission again. He had already lost her once. Nearly forever until fate had brought him together. But now she was torn from his protective embrace again and he found it hard to decide weather to curse or praise the force at this time. But since they had that mild argument, he was determined to not have his last words be lies. He would apologize, and hopefully they could be a family again, here on Yavin, after he ended Sidious's dreadful life. But if not... he would accept her decision. The rebels would need his help to rebuild the republic and the new Jedi order. He couldn't leave even if he wanted to...

Anakin sighed deeply. He already braced himself for rejection. He had nearly accepted it was inevitable, but as the time got closer to see her again, he held hope that maybe, she could cleanse his sins and reopen her heart to him. 

It was a peacefully and yet troubling thought, however that wasn't what was nailed to his mind in the sky. Right now, it was revenge. The word swam through his head in slow spirals and as distance between him and the death star closed, he could taste the bloodlust tingling on his taste buds. 

Anakin didn't even need to do any detective work to ascertain who the vile creature was that kidnapped his lover. He knew exactly who the low life was and that was just going to make revenge that much sweeter. Anakin just couldn't understand why people say 'Revenge is a dish best served cold' because he wanted nothing more than to watch his vengeance smolder

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