Chapter 6- Incident

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  (Another time skip! Another 8 years! Anakin's been fighting back alongside his friends in the light, Padmé's been coping without her love, believing him to be dead and raising the twins alone. This is the last major time skip so you all can relax now lol. Enjoy the rest of the story. Oh, one last warning... here's a hint. Sorry Anakin...)

  "Rex! Droid to your left!" 39 year old Anakin Skywalker warned over his shoulder, while deflecting blaster fire with his sapphire lightsaber away from himself and his comrades. 

Rex, clone captain in the esteemed 501st and now the rebellion, tuck and rolled beneath the blaster-fire that his general had warned him of, in turn returning the fire from his twin pistols. "I'm getting too old for this!" He called after him. 

 Anakin smirked as he and his group darted on, Rex dropped his head in remembrance. "I'm sorry brother..." he whispered. "You were on the wrong side..." "Rex c'mon!" Anakin yelled down the elongated corridors of a massive star destroyer, dodging laser blasts and in turn cutting down the wielder.  

Rex, Anakin, Ahsoka and various other rebels ran rampid on the heavily damaged imperial star destroyer, waiting for Anakin to unleash his master plan to escape. After the captain of the ship they were now demolishing had underestimated their power, Anakin and his squad evacuated their loyal cruiser the redeemer and hopped aboard their enemies ship, tearing it apart from the inside out. Anakin had been sad to let his ship, that he customized and piloted into countless battles  for the last 8 years fall, but she made a great sacrifice and he was willing to do whatever it took to protect his crew. They had family to look after, they were valued by more than just the public eye. He wasn't. 

"Snips, did you adjust those wires?" Anakin asked coyly. 

"Just as you instructed master!" She called back just as joking, deflecting blasts, her green lightsaber dancing gracefully in her grip. 

It had been more than 16 years and she still called him that. He never knew why, she was the same rank as himself, if not closer to promotion. "You don't have to call me that Ahsok-"

"General! The ship is tearing itself apart! You have to get out of there now!" A rebel captain hollered through Anakins comlink. Anakin took a fast moment to reminisce when Admiral Yularen had told him the same thing when they were hunting for the stolen Holocron back in the Clone Wars. Everything was so easy back then. 

"That's the plan Tuck." Anakin responded with a smirk, clear of facial hair again. Mace and Ahsoka would occasionally tease him by calling him Obi-Wan, but the joke just brought him misery. It's been 16 years since Anakin seen, or even heard from his old friend and whenever he thought of him, it lit a painful flame of forlorning in his chest whenever he thought about-"

"General! Are you there?!" Rex yelled from the closing blast doors to his right, snapping Anakin from his trance, bouncing back just in time to see an enormous explosion of debris, fire and dead stormtroopers roaring right for him at an alarming pace. 

Ahsoka, Rex and the rest of the squad were halfway to the blast doors, getting ready to board the getaway ship, a long hallway away from the dazed general. 

Anakin's electric blue eyes widened and veered his gaze between his squad, the people he was in charge of protecting, and the colossal carnage coming straight towards him. If he didn't do something, his entire squad, including his friend and little sister, would die. His mind raced with possible ways for escape but only one stuck out. 

Anakin turned to face the wave of fire, just as Ahsoka was piecing together his reckless scheme. She saw it coming miles away, he'd done it before and almost payed for that decision with his life. 

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