Chapter 5- Starting Anew

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  The young Togruta smiled up at her old master, not missing the tears streaking his cheeks. She was certain she was the only company he's had in the last 8 years and that gave her some sympathy for him. She never thought in a million years he'd be isolated like this, he was a social butterfly ever since she knew him. It must've been difficult for him. 

  "It's great to see you again master."

  Anakin said nothing, only tightening his hold on her. A hug had been a foreign display of affection for years. It had been so... so long. 

  After what seemed like hours, Ahsoka pulled away to an arms length, much to Anakin's dismay. She stood in front of him, giving him a chance to study her. She wasn't his little padawan anymore. She had grown into a smart, beautiful 24 year old Togruta and he was so proud to see his little sister so strong after all these years. Her montrals were to her waist now, dangling down her toned back. They shared a silent moment of comfort, just enjoying one another again until Ahsoka cleared her throat to speak. 

  "Anakin, I have a favor to ask." She informed him timidly. That's odd, she was never timid. Just like him actually. Bold and brash, she is fearless. Unlike himself.

"Anything Ahsoka, name it!" He blurted out, overwhelmed with his first spark of joy in 8 long years. 

"Sit down" she offered. Anakin dropped his brow as if to ask her 'seriously?' Ahsoka nearly facepalmed. There was no where to sit.

She cleared her throat awkwardly and took his rough hand in her tangerine ones. "You need to come back we need you master. " 

Anakin's smile slide off his face like water and stepped back, turning around to face his ledge again. "I can't Ahsoka. I'm too dangerous, that's why I've been exiled. I finally got what I deserved for killing all those innocent people..." His long bangs fell into his eyes as he looked away glumly. 

 Ahsoka knew getting the stubborn chosen one would be a task, but she was prepared for negotiations, even if they got aggressive, he was coming back with her. If there was one thing this man had taught her, it was perseverance.

"Anakin, you've got to come back, you're the chosen one! you've been chosen by the force to vanquish all things evil. How do you intend to do that by staying in solitary confinement? You're the only one that can stop Sidious!" At the mention of the dastardly malevolence, Anakin whipped around to face her so abruptly, she fought the urge to step back cautiously. "The chosen one is dead Ahsoka." He dropped some hostility and continued. "It's just me. Anakin Skywalker. Not a hero, not the general and not the chosen one." 

Ahsoka shook her head in disagreement. "Master that isn't true. Mace and Yoda can help you contain your fury, they can guide you, help you! There are still Jedi alive and well from order 66. You can right all your wrong and fight for the light once again." 

"And what makes you think i'm stable enough to not trip and slaughter them all! I'm dangerous Ahsoka! i'm nothing but a wild animal..." Anakin cried, crescendo and decrescendo. 

 Ahsoka smiled kindly and stepped back to him, ignoring his reluctance to allow her to snatch his hand again. "Look at me Skyguy." she implored softly.

Anakin shut his eyes and took a breath, slowly, he turned to meet her oceanic crystals so much like his own. "I trust you." 

Anakin looked down at his old boots in thought, leaving his hand encompassed in her smaller two. She trusted him? How? No matter how absurd though, he only sensed her true faith in him.

He searched guidance from the force. Was this time for the rise? The rise that was foretold by his father? The force didn't give him any prodding to rejoin society until now, not that he could, moments after he arrive 8 years he used the force to throw his fighter over the cliff so he wouldn't hurt anyone again. Now here he was considering going back. The force was strong with him once more as it urged him to go back with her. 

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