Chapter 22- Don't Worry

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  The briefing was mind-numbing. Anakin swallowed yet another bored yawn, trying to remain respectful through this depressing endeavor. Honestly, he had more fun watching Leia practice her speeches for her high school debate team. That in itself spoke volumes louder than the strategist was actually talking. He had no confidence in victory. 

Anakin's eyes roamed around distractedly, suffocating under the dreary atmosphere and slightly miffed by the monotone of the old guy talking, who Anakin knew for a fact wasn't even a general. 

The room was full of dead men. No one made a singe peep, and while he wasn't expecting a fiesta, there was no vindictive, sardonic or humorous light at all. The room was absent of the energized shouts he had grown accustomed to since he was just a padawan. No fists punching the air in hurrah. The air was laced with nothing along the lines of 'Who's ready for a fight?' Or 'For the rebellion!' No hype, no determination. Nothing not a zilch! Just a crippling cloud of dread hanging over them all. And it was slowly driving Anakin to the brink of insanity. This guy was killing them all and no one fired a weapon! Luke, to his left looked about ready to doze off. And Anakin was close behind him.

He'd been psyching himself up for this fight. This was the day he'd save his wife from Sidious's clutches and make his family whole again. But then what? He had no idea but he was running out of spunky energy the longer his but went numb sitting on the small crate. 

The strategist continued to drone on endlessly about their target. A minuscule miscalculation in the otherwise impenetrable death star. Anakin felt everyone's mood dropped ever further as the size of the death star's only weakness was displayed on the screen. A two-meter wide hole that, if given a perfect shot, would lead through the pipes and hit the exhaust port, blasting the big gray detritus into oblivion. But his montone as he said it made Anakin remember an old history professor he had as a Padawam. He felt his eyelids droop as his head lolled on his fist. 

You'll never get my husband again!

Come now senator, you should know him better than that.

He will come for me.

Anakin shivered, feeling her fear flare as Sidious pinched her chin, forcing her to meet his sick yellow eyes. Sidious's cold laugh cut through his core as he roughly let go.

I am counting on it. 

"-And that will destroy the death star and all despicable life that works upon it." The planner finished firmly, Boring Luke as he watched nearly asleep like his father who suddenly jumped awake next to him. When did he fall asleep? This guy was as boring as a sack of sand.

Anakin jolted out of his stupor breathing quickly before calming down. Luke gave him a confused look as he watched his father scowl. 'I'll save her.'  He vowed, pushing himself back to reality. 

"And may the force be with you." The man finished, heading off the stage. Miserable and joyless were the soldiers, even at the achiest phrase that used to bring hope. No one moved a muscle. This place and all its contents was dead. No one wanted to fight this battle. No one was hyped or excited to honor the old republic in any way shape or form. Just a stoney firm line that served as a poor excuse for an expression.

 'Alright that's it.'  And at that, Anakin decided to take matter into his own hands. If he was marching to his doom to rescue Padmé, so be it. But he wouldn't let deaths looming shadow tear down his men's confidence. 

Pushing past some people earning a couple dirty looks and hints of swearing, Anakin made his way to the front, midnight cloak tapping his long boots with each step until he halted in front of the lame talker who tried to step by Anakin, but Anakin held a hand out and whispered something to the older man he now guessed to be about his former masters age. 

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