48. Promposal

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Niall's POV

When we eventually left Ireland, it was a sad time. I was leaving my country once again but I knew that I would visit sooner this time. With Harry's hand in mine, my mom beside me and Jessica with Louis, we left. Another hour or so flight, we were back home. I never thought I could call London my home but then again, wherever Harry was felt like home enough.

I know I know. How cheesy was that? Well I'm semi proud to say that with being Harry's boyfriend—God I'm never going to get used to saying that—comes with the price of learning the ways of the cheese and corn. Basically cheesy and corny jokes. For example when we got off the plane, I looked like a zombie. To put it kindly as Louis said. So I guess that prompted Harry to create this;

"Knock knock."


"Just please do it?"

"Fine. Who's there?"


"Uh urine who?"

"Urine secure don't know what for. You're turning heads when you walk in the door."

And that's what happens when you allow Harry to tell jokes. He ended up serenading to me all the way up the point we got our bags. By then Louis asked him to shut up and get in the car.

That was yesterday. Today I was scrambling to get ready and head to school. On my way out, my mom told me she was taking a week off so I could take the car. I thanked her and the heavens and ran out. It wasn't that I was late, in fact I was actually early. It was just I promised Harry that I would meet up with him before school.

Is that bad that he asked me this? He wouldn't break up with me so soon? Do you think he did it out of pity? No he couldn't have. Plus Jessica and Louis pulled me over once or twice during the trip to tell me how much they were happy that we were together. Louis said he's never seen Harry so happy before, and it's all thanks to me. I feel warm and fuzzy thinking about him. Whether it had the intention or not, this was the best trip ever.

I arrive at school shortly, grabbing my bag and heading inside. I wasn't exactly sure where he wanted to meet me so I ended up wandering. I walked a little behind the school and found an entrance to somewhere. I follow the path to find a little field by the building. There was a figure standing over something, I was about to walk over to them when I heard Harry calling my name. With one last look at the figure, I retraced my steps to Harry.

He was standing by the office in what was possibly the outfit he wore when we first met. Ever since I've met him and known him, he hasn't been known to wear that black ensemble again. I guess that I like that; Mr. Bad boy wasn't all that bad after all. As soon as he saw me, his entire face lit up. I smiled and ran into his arms.

"Hello love." He pecked my lips and we started walking.

"Hello yourself. Why the early meeting curls?"

"I wanted to spend some extra time with you." Awe I kissed his neck softly. "Who knows how everyone will react if we decide to come out now." Not cute anymore. I stop my kissing and give him a look.

"Well? Do you want to?"

"I mean you already have done this so... I don't know. I never really came out to anyone but family members and friends before."

"But didn't Jessica take care of that for you?"

"Now that I think about it, she did. Huh, I forgot about that."

"You're silly."

"No I'm not."

"That's right. You're adorkable."

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