27. Back To School

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Harry's POV

Back to school, Yay, note my sarcasm. I walked into the place where dreams are crushed into a thousand pieces and run over by a monster truck. Aren't I very poetic, like I'm throwing all my feelings for Niall away because his heart belongs to Jessica's? Ugh no wait, that just hurt my heart to say that!

"'Sup Harry?" I heard and looked up, I had reached my group of friends and never in my life had I wished that it was just the guys then now. Liam and Louis were talking about something with Ashley, Zayn was nowhere in sight, Lily was walking towards us and Sam and Jessica were talking excitedly about something. Niall wasn't here yet and for that I was relieved.

"Um hey, what's up Lou?" I answered him and Liam. He sent me a small frown but otherwise didn't look half bad, knowing that his crush was in the arms of another.

"Vice President Payno here is planning the Valentine's Day dance; he and Sam have been asking everyone what they would like to do for the dance." He said as Liam gave a small nod, momentarily getting distracted from Ashley. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought that I saw Ashley composing herself, giggling a little before Liam turned back to the girl.

Oohh someone's got a crush.

"So Harry, are you going to be asking a special girl to the dance?" Ashley asked. I shook my head and she looked a little surprised.

"Really? What happened to Maddie?"

I groaned inwardly. "Nooo, we broke up, if you even call what we "had" was a proper relationship." They all laugh, I see Louis perk up a little, only to slump down when we all hear that familiar accent.

"Niall Horan in da house!" He said, fixing a green snapback on top his head.

"Technically school," Sam smirked.

"School smool, does it look like I care Ms. Reed?"

"No, you just look like you're trying and failing at being a hipster."

People around us Ooh'd, and Niall got that Oh-No-You-Didn't look on his face.

"Oh yes I did Horan, or should I say, Whoran." Sam laughed evilly. I looked over at Niall, and he was, wait were those tears? A closer look at the Irishman, and I could see his eyes glazing over and how vulnerable he truly looked. I decided to step in before anyone else noticed.

"Back off Sam, let Niall have his happy reunion with Jessica before you bite his head off." Sam raised her hands in surrender and the crowds around us dispersed. I caught Niall's eye and he thanked me silently.

I think he was surprised that I remembered what happened the last time someone had called him that.

I bit back a grimace as he finally ran up to Jessica and gave her a kiss. Someone nudged my shoulder and I saw Louis standing there, looking all defeated.

"Wanna split?" he asks and I nodded quickly as we walked away from the gang as fast as we could.

* * * * *

It was around lunch time now and our gang was short two people, unfortunately it wasn't Niall and Jessica. No actually it was Zayn and Lily, turns out; they've been dating since the talent show callbacks. Well at least that's what I got from the squealing girls sitting across from me. So the lovebirds were off all lovey dovey somewhere, at least they knew the definition of PDA.

This reminds me...

"Do you guys know what PDA is?" I ask, glaring at Jessica. She glares right back at me, but the hate that used to live there for the past two years was definitely gone.

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