33. Say Something

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Niall's POV

I looked up from Harry and was rewarded with a sight that I did not want to see.

Maddie Connors, why was she back? I slowly picked myself up from Harry and pulled him from the ground. Maddie just stayed where she was, the smirk never left her face.

"What are you doing here Maddie?" Harry hisses and I feel him wrap an arm around my shoulders almost protectively.

The girl almost coos and gives us a half hearted laugh.

"It's almost too cute how you two act around each other."

"What's that suppose to mean?" I drop my tough guy act and cock my head to the side. Maddie laughs once more, while shaking her head and walking closer to us.

"What? Does this mean Harry never told you? I would think he would if you traded your past lives with each other, am I correct?"

I look at Harry, I thought I told him to not to tell anyone about my past, especially not someone like Maddie. I shrug his arm off of me and focus my attention on the girl in front of us.

"This is a shame Harold, I can't believe you never told this sweet," her hand stroked my cheek while the other rested on my chest. "Sweet boy your little secret."

"That's my business Maddie, now leave." Harry growled but Maddie stayed in her place. She looked me straight in the eye and her stare seemed to seep into my soul.

"Now while would I do that, I would miss all the fun." All at once, Maddie was yanked away from me, and I heard a shrill scream. Coming out of the daze that she-devil put me in, I saw Jessica standing there while Maddie was holding her cheek as if someone hit it... Wait did Jessica slap her?

"Back off my boyfriend you little priss or else I will do more to you if don't." Jessica hissed, her green eyes were almost black in anger. Maddie looked between us and Jessica, hesitating.

"Are you really thinking about this? Back off from me and my friends, you've caused us enough drama to last us a lifetime and if you do not leave now, I guess a little birdie will tell the principle that you've been sleeping with the Gym teacher." Maddie's jaw dropped and this time she ran away. I look back at Jess, she's still pissed but there's a calming look to her eyes now.

"God, none of you will ever know how long I've wanted to do that."

She noticed the way I was glaring at Harry, at least I hope she was, because I needed eye witnesses for what I was about to do next.

"What was Maddie talking about Harry." I asked and I was dreading the answer if I was being completely honest with myself.

"Nothing Niall," He refused to look me in the eye, making me realize he was lying to me.

"Are you sure? I mean she knew that I talked to you about a part of my life that only four people know about. What's missing in this picture, huh Harold?" to say I was pissed was an understatement, probably the biggest one of my life. My trust in Harry was crumbling and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

"First off, you have no right to call me Harold. Second off I don't know what Maddie was talking about. She was probably just being her little creepy stalker self to mess with the both of us."

"Well her creepy stalker self was correct about one thing, you are keeping secrets from me." I heard Jessica shuffling away from us, sensing the tension in the air. I was now facing Harry, we were almost face to face, chest to chest. And not in the romantic kind of way.

"I'm not keeping anything from you Niall."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes." Again he didn't look at me, another reason for the trust to break.

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