13. The Audition

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Niall's POV

I don't get why schools do talent shows. They're just stupid competitions to make the already snobby people win them and the stragglers like me, try and absolutely fail to win.

It's like high school, without the musical.

So after sitting there for forty minutes and watching maybe fifty other students audition, the teacher called my name.

"Nile Horan? Niuh Horan?" They called. I sighed, I know my name is different and all but there's no excuse to butcher it like that!

I stood up and the teacher waved me to start auditioning. I asked if they had a guitar I could use. They nodded and gave me the beautiful instrument. I started singing I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. I knew the chords by heart and I loved singing the song.

When I was done, the teacher and the few students gave me a standing ovation. I started blushing and thanked the people for their time.

"Niall!" Someone yelled and I spun around.

"Hey Haz."

"Hey Ni. I loved your audition." He said. If my blush wasn't noticeable before, it sure was now.

"That, that was nothing. I just- that was really just nothing."

"No seriously Ni, that was awesome! I love your voice!" He noticed me somewhat shifting towards the exit. It's not like I didn't want to spend time with him, it's just that I was tired and all I wanted to do was go home and sleep.

"Can you stay a bit? I want your opinion on my audition." He asked, his gaze intensifying by the second. It was almost like I was under his spell, and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Fine." I said and he made a little cheer.

It was quite cute actually.

"But you have to drive me home afterwards. My mom has the car and I've already missed the bus." Harry gave me a hug and walked me back into the room. He led me to where his stuff was and as I sat down, he dug around his bag for something.

"Sure I'll drive you Ni. I've always wanted to see your house." He found what he was looked for and left for the stage. That gave me time to think about he said. Was... was he flirting with me?


Nah. That's just too good to he true. But still I couldn't help the butterflies that erupted I'm my stomach whenever we hugged or simply talked. Oh no, I can't be falling for Harry. I caught his eye and he waved. I weakly wave back. I really got to talk to someone about this.

So I quickly call up the best person I know for this job; Myka, my best friend back home. I waited about two rings before she picked up.

"NIALLER!!!" She yelled and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"MYKA!" I say with just as much enthusiasm.


"I'm calling now Myka. Be happy." I inwardly laughed at my best friend's reaction.

"I will Horan. So what advice do you need today?" I stared at my phone in disbelief then realized she couldn't see me.

"Why do you assume I need advice?"

"Niall, lets face it, I love you and all, we are practically brother and sister but you only really call when you need advice." she states matter-of-factly.

"I hate you Myka." I heard her snort.

"That's not going to get you possible boy advice!"

"I'm not asking for that kind of advice!"

".... So you are implying you need advice." I sighed heavily and tried not to hang up right then and there. Sometimes I wondered about my Ireland friends.

"Yes. Are you happy Myka?"

"Yes. Very. Now spill those little leprechaun guts of yours."

"Don't call me a leprechaun." I hissed. I heard my name being called and saw Harry trying to get my attention. I vaguely heard Myka trying to talk to me but I hushed her as Harry began to sing.

His voice was soft yet raspy, it made me so weak in the knees, if I was standing up, I would've crumbled to the floor. And the song choice, it was Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder. I might've drooled a little bit. When he ended, I stood and clapped, even hollered a bit. He blushed a deep shade of pink and walked off stage.


"That would be my crush."

"Details, NOW!" I started telling her how we met and what has happened over the past week when I notice Harry walking towards me.

"I got to go now Myka, he's walking this way." I say but she cuts me off, "Give me his name before you hang up."

"Harry Styles. Now I have to go now Myka," I was not aware that another person was in my presence so I didn't think much when I said, "I love you and I'll talk to you later."

She muttered a quick bye, something about checking Facebook and ended the call. I looked up and there stood Harry, he looked a bit down but we made eye contact and tears began rushing down his face.

"Haz, what's wrong?" I ask and reach for him. He jerks back, grabs his stuff and leaves. Never turning back once.


So this is part 1 of the double update, the next chapter should be up shortly.

From my mind to the computer keys to your eyes to read. I'm Jessica xx

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