Chapter 52 - Another One Bites The Dust

Start from the beginning

Cris' security detail updated him on Miranda's whereabouts.


Wednesday, March 6th, 2019 

Cris' POV

"Sweetheart, we know where Miranda is. My security is tracking her as we speak."

"Good. Layla could have died after what Miranda did to her. Make her pay. Too bad I can't be there."

"Frisky and Savage? Deadly combination there, love. I love it."

"Cris, I am sick and tired of people hurting my family and friends. And, I am willing to protect all of my family and friends by any means necessary. If that means knocking off Miranda, do it."

"With the club and restaurant opening next weekend, I wanted to take care of this Miranda mess this weekend. I'll have to fly out there on Friday and will be home on Sunday."

"It is fine, handsome. Go do what you have to do."

"Thanks, love. Nonna and Nonno are going to help with the kids. Jake will be here too. Marissa and Ryan are coming with me. He didn't want Layla going because she is pregnant, so he is taking her place and flying from New York."

"Uh-oh, Miranda is in big trouble because Marissa and I are similar - my dad taught us how to fight to defend ourselves. Can I at least watch on live tv? I got something to say to her. I want her to see Kekoa and Isabella because she tried to hurt me while I was pregnant."

"Just make sure Día and Rocco are not in the room."


"Jake is coming over while I go pick up the twins from school." As soon as I said that, Jake entered the house.

Kam's POV

"Here comes Uncle Jake, Isabella. Sorry about the crying."

"That is okay, Kam. Can I hold her?"

"Of course." I got up slowly because, uh, Cris and I have been making up for the lost time. It would not be a surprise if I end up pregnant again soon.

I placed Isabella in Jake's arms and she did not fidget at all. "Jake, you and Shane are Isabella's best friends. Look at how calm she is and is staring at you. My baby girl has two crushes at such a tender age. I'll be right back with a bottle for her."

I heard my baby boy starting to cry, so I grabbed two bottles when I went into the kitchen. I gave Jake the bottle for Isabella. And, I went into the bedroom to get Kekoa and gave him his bottle. 


"Mommy's coming, Kekoa." He needed to be changed, so I did that first. Then, picked him up. We walked into the living room with Jake, and I gave Kekoa his bottle.

Within 20 minutes, Cris came back with my little prince and princess. "How was school today?"

"We had fun today, mommy," My little prince said with a big smile on his face.

"Can I hold the baby, mommy?" I looked over to my princess and she already had the pillow in her lap to cushion Kekoa.

"I have 2 super, smart five-year-olds."

I placed Kekoa in Dia's lap. Cris snapped a picture. We are creating a photo book, so every picture we take or has been taken by others will go in the book. I am excited for when they get older, so we can show them all of the pictures taken.

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