“Wait, we are not going to talk about our project? We need to get started on it. We are already behind schedule.” Seif said nervously making Kaliq roll his eyes.

“Um, sure. Sorry guys, I have to go.” We said good bye then went to the nearest café.

“Let’s start with getting to know each other a little. After all we are going to work with one another for the next six month.” I tried to lighten up the mood when I noticed how nervous he was.

“Okay, um, I’, Seif Metwally, I’m 20, Egyptian-“  

“I’m Egyptian too!” I shrieked interrupting him, “Well, half Egyptian really but still.”

“Oh, I thought I was the only Arab in the class.” He said nervously but at least he was starting to relax a little.

“There are a lot of mixed race like me, some have Arabs in them as well. So, have you been there?” I asked a little too excited for a normal conversation.

“I was born and raised there.” He answered trying to hide his accent but I caught on it and to be honest I liked it. It reminded me of my family’s accent when the talked to me.

“That’s so cool. I only visited there once a couple of months ago. When did you move to the UK?”

“Six years ago.” He answered relaxing a bit more.

We talked about Egypt more. It was so cool for me to talk about my experience there with someone who actually knew what I was talking about. We talked about some of the weird Egyptian habits there and just started laughing  when I told him about the first time I greeted my aunt and she kissed my cheek about four or five times at least and I was too embarrassed to flee out.

Then he told me he never went to the Pyramids which I thought was weird since he lived there most of his life. Our conversation somehow took a turn and we talked about families there. How in every family meeting everyone seems to love each other but the second everyone leaves the mom always critique all of the other kids actions and even some of the aunties too.

We were talking and laughing for the most part and I noticed how relaxed Seif was now. He was actually a very nice lad and he could be very funny without even trying at times. His only problem was his nervousness.

“I can’t believe it had been more than 30 minutes already. We need to start by choosing an entrepreneur and analyzing …” Seif went on and on about the project then. I zoned out at times but tried to contribute with an idea or two whenever I was listening.

“Okay great. When should we meet tomorrow to discuss what we gathered?” Seif asked after another 30 minutes of talking.

“I can’t tomorrow, I’m going back home for the weekend.”

“You are going back to Egypt? Why didn’t you tell me before we talked to Professor Williams-” He started to be nervous again.

“No, no. I’m going back to Yorkshire. It will only be for the weekend though.” I ensured him and he relaxed almost immediately.

“Oh, okay then. We can maybe exchange emails to keep up with the projects detail?” He hesitated.

“I never use my email. Let’s exchange numbers and we could What’s up everything.” I suggested giving him my phone to save his number in it.

“Okay..” He hesitantly took my phone blushing lightly and I took his.

“I have to go now to catch my bus. I’ll see you on Monday I guess?” I asked standing up and he mimicked my move.

“Okay.” He said.

We went to pay for our drinks but Seif insisted he would pay for mine as well, saying it was an Egyptian habit. I thanked him then walked out of the café.

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now