Chapter 17

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Luke's POV

I looked down at the machine and frowned. It was small and old, and in my opinion it really didn't look capable of what the doctor had said it could do.

'So we need to find the CCTV and pull out the tracker?' Ashton questioned, looking almost as confused as me. I crinkled up my forehead and thought for a minute.

'I think so.' I answered looking around the machine for any sign of CCTV or where the tracker may be.

Michael bent down beside the machine and pulled out a torch from his pocket.

He looked at it carefully for a second before speaking up.

'Give me the key Ash.'

Ashton complied, pulling the key out of his pocket and handing it to him. I watched as Michael flicked open a small piece of metal on the Thought Tracker and turned the key in it. A section of the back of the machine fell off and landed on the floor with a clatter.

'Bear with me, I need to find the tracker chip.'

Next Michael pulled out a pair of tweezers, making Ashton giggle.

'What are you, Mr Clever Clogs?' He asked, making Michael huff and raise an eyebrow.

'Just cuz you're older.' He muttered in frustration. 'Got it!' He announced, clamping the tweezers around something and yanking it out of the machine.

'Michael!' I yelled as a beeping noise sounded from the machine. 'You can't just pull it out, it was attached to an alarm!'

We heard the sound of footsteps clumping down the stairs and so I kicked the machine once, hoping to shut it up, and placed the back of the machine back on.

'Come on!' I whispered, pulling on the two boys arms and hiding us behind a stack of dusty boxes.
Just in time, I thought as I saw the same doctor who had caught us earlier appear in the doorway.

The only thing we could hope now was I hope he doesn't find us.

meh so I decided I didn't like the direction this story was heading so I'm trying to get it back on track to the main plot line, which is why their mission was cut a bit short and they've already found the machine... thanks for reading if you are!
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