Chapter 15

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Luke's POV

I gulped, realising that a rather important looking doctor was stood in front of me.

'Uh..Erm..' I looked around,hoping to see Ashton or Michael, but then realised they had hidden. I cursed under my breath before flicking quickly through my mind for an excuse. 'I..I needed the toilet!' I blurted, unsure as to whether my face had gone red or if I had managed to conceal the lie.

The doctor looked at me disbelievingly, frowning, but sighed.

'Sure, okay. The toilet is down the corridor on the right.' I smiled weakly, about to thank the doctor, but he cut me off whilst lowering his voice. 'But if I ever catch you walking along here again you don't want to know what will happen, got it?' I nodded, before the doctor marched off to finish what ever he was doing before.

'Way to go Lukey!' Michael laughed, revealing himself from behind a door and high fiving me. Ashton followed him, fist bumping me and then giving me a quick hug.

'Y-you left me!' I squealed, recovering from the shock.

'Sorry bro, but how suspicious would it be if we were all going to the toilet eh?'

I sighed heavily, but let out a small giggle, realising he was right.

'Give me the key, quick!' Ashton mmumbled, grabbing the key out of my hand and pressing it against the door. It beeped and the green light flashed.

'Seriously?' I groaned quietly before following the other boys through the door.

Michael pulled the map of the hospital out of his pocket and grinned.

'Down these stairs, go go go!' I let out a throaty chuckle as Michael hit my butt. I grabbed the banister and made my way down the steep stairs.

'Luke are you okay now? We didn't mean to leave you.' Ashton whispered from behind me as we descended into the slightly less clean looking part of the hospital.

'Yeah I think so.' I said smiling slightly.

'Am I the only one who's nervous?' He asked quietly, his voice trembling slightly.

'No, I am too.' I confirmed, before I felt his hand slip in to mine.

'Let's do this together.' He sqeezed my hand tightly, making me smile.


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